Shaking Life Into My Writing
A few weeks ago, we had a small earthquake. It’s a peculiar feeling, to suddenly start bouncing on the couch you’re sitting on. The next night, I was sitting in the same spot and I got this jolt of inspiration (Sorry. I had to.) I grabbed my laptop and started typing frantically. I couldn’t afford to forget what I was thinking before I got it all down. It was some of the best writing I’ve done in a while and it was pretty satisfying. What’s interesting though is that since then, I’m finding inspiration everywhere. Memes, articles shared online, even my content writing jobs are showing me new perspectives on my ages-old WIP. What I think is actually happening is that I let my brain open up to receive these things. I’ve been bogged down, going through life with blinders on trying to keep out distractions and whatever else was threatening to pull me off course from the task at hand. And then I listened, just a little bit, to what the world was showing me. The more new ideas I let in, even more kept showing up, proving once again that if you’re open to receiving new ideas, they will show up. Anything can be the catalyst for new words if you’re willing to let it.
– Michelle
Welcome to Week 480
We’re kicking off the week in style at YeahWrite with our competitive challenge grids in one post, plus prompts, tips, tricks and more. You asked, we answered! Keep scrolling down cause it’s all right here.
Submissions for this week’s challenges open on Saturday at 12 midnight and close on Wednesday at 10pm ET. Voting will then open immediately thereafter and close on Thursday at 10pm ET. The winners, as always, will be celebrated on Friday.
Having trouble getting started? Hop on over to our quick guide. And don’t forget to doublecheck the full submission guidelines before you hit that button.
Technique Toolbox: 20/20 Hindsight
For 2020 we’re looking back at stories. Didn’t get a chance to write one in January? That’s fine: jump in whenever you can.
If you have a story or essay to work on, tag in: June’s challenge is to do a little more. We’re giving you 2,000 words to play with. Add back those descriptions, put in the explanations, and squeeze in the plot point you’re missing! Just keep in mind the lessons you’ve learned in the past five months and make sure you’re adding what you need instead of just what you want.
Check out this month’s challenge and some suggestions for how to succeed right here.
Nonfiction: Optional Prompt
The nonfiction grid has no mandatory prompts. However, each week, we will give you an optional prompt in case that helps your mostly-true story juices flow. It’s Father’s Day here in the US, which like Mother’s Day is a complex holiday for a lot of people. Our optional prompt isn’t necessarily to write about your father, although you’re welcome to do so, but about a lesson you’ve learned about nontoxic (you read that right, NON) masculinity in your life. If toxic masculinity is “boys don’t cry” and “boys will be boys” and homophobia, misogyny, and “men don’t ask for help,” what is nontoxic masculinity, and where do you see it in the world?
Fiction|Poetry Mandatory Prompt
June is the gateway to…new writing prompts!
Last month we transformed flowering plants into characters. This month we’re transforming animals into characters. Give the qualities of animals to a realistic person or give animals human qualities. The Wind in the Willows gives us many examples of animals who behave like people and who enjoy human trappings (Toad of Toad Hall loved his new car, even if he was a terrible driver!). How, for example, would a badger behave as a human being? Why is the bowerbird man building his home, and for whom? Whichever way you interpret this prompt, be sure to give the character a clear plot.
This week’s animal prompt is :
- Write a story with a character who is based on a quokka. Or an actual quokka with human qualities. Quokkas are:
- friendly
- nocturnal
- vegetarian
- curious
- climbers
The second prompt for June is:
- Include a character named Joey. That’s what quokka young are called. The character doesn’t need to be integral to the plot, but you can make that a requirement for yourself, for an extra challenge.
Poets: For June, we’re exploring the ways poetry can be built in series. Check out our technique-based slam then explore that technique to write a poem of your own. Or write a different style of poem incorporating at least one of the prompts above. Or both? You might be able to do both.
Poetry Slam - Series
In 2020, we’re turning from “how to write a poem” to “what is a poem?” with technique-based slams. Since 2020 has apparently been happening for a thousand years, now that it’s Junetember we’re exploring poems that are series: two or more short poems linked to form a coherent work through commonalities and mindful selection of words or topics. Check it out.
A QUICK NOTE REGARDING OUR GRIDS: Inlinkz, which supports our grid format, is currently upgrading its offerings and website which can sometimes result in a glitch or two. If you upload a piece to the grid and notice it disappears later on, please email us and let us know. This has been happening to one or two pieces each week. We will happily add it manually once we are notified. We apologize for the inconvenience, and are looking into alternative services. Thank you for your patience!

YeahWrite Super Challenge
Congrats to Katie Entner Delay, our Super Challenge #16 champion, and to Chrissie Rohrman and Margaret Shafer for rounding out the top three! Miss out on registration? Make sure you also sign up for our email blast so you don’t miss out on any Super Challenge announcements. Registration for Super Challenge #17 for nonfiction will be opening soon!
Winners’ Round-Up
In case you missed them, you can find last week’s YeahWrite staff picks and crowd favorites all laid out for you on last Friday’s winners’ post. Leave the winners some love in the comments. They will love you right back, we guarantee it.
About the author:

Michelle submitted her first entry to YeahWrite in March 2012 and was brought on staff shortly thereafter. In 2016, she stepped into the role of Editor-In-Chief. Outside of YeahWrite, she is a freelance writer working with a variety of corporate clients, primarily in the insurance and employee benefits space. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, Cosplay Culture, and xoJane, as well as several local websites near her former home in northern NJ home. She now lives in Southern California, enjoying the sunshine. She sometimes blogs at