Notice Anything?
Hey hey!! Welcome to our streamlined kickoff post! You wanted shorter kickoffs and we wanted you to have all the information you need whether it’s your first time or your 400th, so it took us a minute to figure out what that would look like. We hope you like our new design!
But that’s not all! We’ve got a few other announcements for you. Historically, your post for the weekly challenge grid needed to have been posted to your blog no earlier than the Sunday prior. We realized that doesn’t give you all the time you need to write, especially you weekend writers, so we’ve made it easier! Now, as long as your post was published after this week’s kickoff post, you’re golden!
Also, you may have noticed this post went live on Saturday rather than Sunday at midnight US Eastern Time. This is so those of you who rely on prompts have more time over the weekend to get your writing time in. Hope that helps!
Finally, this isn’t new, but it’s time for a reminder. Did you know that we accept poetry on the Non-Fiction grid? We do! If you want to write poetry about your truths and the way you see the world, but not write it in this month’s poetry slam form or incorporate the Fiction|Poetry prompts, go ahead and place that piece on Non-Fic! (PS – that means you have more opportunities to post to the grids!)
One last thing: The length of this post isn’t indicative of future kickoffs– if you feel like I rambled, it’s all good! We’ll be rotating introductions from our editors each week so we can keep these short and sweet and you’ll still get to “meet” everyone. You know, when we don’t have a million things to tell you!
Wait, one last last thing: We know you have opinions, so let’s hear them! If you’ve got feedback, share it! You can find us at, comment here, or hit us up on Facebook!
Have a great week, and go write something!
[ed’s note: Michelle uses a lot of exclamation points but I’m excited too, so even though I’m supposed to edit this post I’m leaving them right where they are. /rbg]
Welcome to Week 400
We’re kicking off the week in style at YeahWrite with both our competitive challenge grids in one post, plus prompts, tips, tricks and more. You asked, we answered! Keep scrolling down cause it’s all right here.
Submissions for this week’s challenges are open now; they close on Wednesday at 10pm ET. Voting will then open immediately thereafter and close on Thursday at 10pm ET. The winners, as always, will be celebrated on Friday.
Having trouble getting started? Hop on over to our quick guide. And don’t forget to doublecheck the full submission guidelines before you hit that button.
Technique Toolbox: Prologue to a Year of Fearless Writing
Ready to take yourself seriously as a writer? Not sure how, or not convinced you’re ready? We think you can, and are, and will be. Next year is our Year of Fearless Writing, and we’re going to warm up this December by setting a few resolutions. Share yours with us, and they might make the list!
Nonfiction: Optional Prompt
The nonfiction grid is loosey-goosey, with no mandatory prompts. However, each week, we will give you an optional prompt in case that helps your mostly-true story juices flow. This week’s prompt is to write about a time you broke the rules. Rules can be anything from actual laws to “house rules” or “classroom rules” or any other kind of rules. Have fun!
Fiction|Poetry Mandatory Prompt
Prompt Up is our mandatory weekly writing prompt for the fiction|poetry challenge! Here's How It Works!
It’s December! After the rush of NaNoWriMo or NaNoDoMore and Thanksgiving (for US writers) we’re turning our gaze to the end of the year. Everybody is busy with family, festivities, and winding up the year, so this month we’re taking the pressure off and asking you to include one compulsory single one-word prompt in your writing. You should mention the word itself in your work.
The compulsory one-word prompt, from YeahWrite #398 fiction|poetry winner Northie, is: moldy or mouldy.
Poets: December is a fun time for you too! This month you can write a poem incorporating the prompt word; moldy, or pick your favourite poetry form from 2018, or try a form you’ve never tried before from 2018. You can find all the poetry forms from this year here. If you choose a poetry form we’ve covered this year, you do not have to include the prompt word (though you can if you’d like to).
Poetry Slam - 2018 Roundup
Sad about your sestina? Regretting your rime royal? Don’t worry! You’ve got another shot at all of 2018’s poetry slams this month. If you missed a month, why not jump on in? We’ve got a handy list and roundup of poetry forms right here!

Looking For Microprose?
Our tiniest challenge with the biggest bang is open the first Wednesday of every month from midnight to 10 p.m.
YeahWrite Super Challenge
Super Challenge #11 (nonfiction!) is now open for registration! Our next contest kicks off in 2019 so sign up today to ensure your spot. Make sure you sign up for our email blast so you don’t miss out on any Super Challenge announcements.
Winners’ Round-Up
In case you missed them, you can find last week’s YeahWrite staff picks and crowd favorites all laid out for you on last Friday’s winners’ post. Leave the winners some love in the comments. They will love you right back, we guarantee it.
About the author:

Michelle submitted her first entry to YeahWrite in March 2012 and was brought on staff shortly thereafter. Over the years, Michelle has been an integral figure at YeahWrite, but in 2016, we were thrilled to have her step into the role of Editor-In-Chief. Personally, she has worked in the insurance/employee benefits industry for over twenty years and also fills her time as a freelance writer. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post and xoJane, as well as several local sites near her northern NJ home. She blogs at Michelle Longo.