What Time Is It?
When YeahWrite was founded, it was decided that everything would operate on US Eastern Time. I lived in that time zone, so naturally, I was happy that I never had to recalculate anything in order to participate. I asked our leader at the time, “Why didn’t you make it Central time, where you live? Wouldn’t that make your life easier?” She told me the whole country operates on Eastern time and everyone else sort of deals with it. She went on to point out how I never noticed because I lived there. She was right.
Now, here I am, living on the West Coast of the US and trying to get used to Pacific time. I visited out here a few times a year so I thought this would be a no-brainer. Turns out, it’s a huge brainer. So much braining. And, yet again, I missed my deadline for this post.* Good thing no one expects me to make it at this point!
*It’s only a 3-hour time difference. It had nothing to do with why I missed it since I’m a day late. I still have to calculate time changes though and it’s hard.
Welcome to Week 384
We’re kicking off the week in style at YeahWrite with both our competitive challenge grids in one post, plus prompts, tips, tricks and more. You asked, we answered! Keep scrolling down cause it’s all right here.
Submissions for this week’s challenges open on Monday at 12 midnight and close on Wednesday at 10pm ET. Voting will then open immediately thereafter and close on Thursday at 10pm ET. The winners, as always, will be celebrated on Friday.
Having trouble getting started? Hop on over to our quick guide. And don’t forget to doublecheck the full submission guidelines before you hit that button.
Looking For Microprose?
Our tiniest challenge with the biggest bang is open the first Wednesday of every month from midnight to 10 p.m.
Nonfiction Challenge
Make new friends
I’m usually a fiction girl – that’s my comfort zone. Sometimes, though – especially if I’m in a writing rut – I try my hand at something new. Last week it was the winners post; this week, it’s the nonfiction intro! The point is, though, don’t let yourself get stuck. The same rules that apply to fiction also apply to good creative nonfiction. You need believable characters, a bit of a plot, some conflict, and a resolution. Just because you’re telling a true story doesn’t mean you’re not telling a story. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all bring us this week!
Technique Toolbox: Summaries
So you’re fine writing your story or personal essay, but when it comes to that summary for your title page or authorial pitch, you freeze up? This month’s Technique Toolbox is ready to come to the rescue! If you missed last year’s class, never fear: you can still learn about the two summary structures. And if you’re looking for a little more in-depth instruction, the class video is still archived and accessible for a small fee!
Nonfiction Challenge Grid: Basic YeahWrite Guidelines

Fiction|Poetry Challenge
Don’t Cough On My Head
It’s ’round the clock, wall to wall ‘flu season at my house. Okay, I’ll own up to being the Trojan horse for the virus. On the bright side it’s the first ‘flu I’ve had this winter and winter’s almost over. Yay for silver linings right? Right. Oddly, my kids aren’t wearing the same Benadryl-coloured glasses about being sick. Maybe all that Vicks VapoRub is finally getting to me, but apart from one really terrible day, this ‘flu has been bearable and short-lived. Check on me in a week though — I may well have developed double pneumonia. Again.
August Poetry Slam: Diminishing Verse
Summer (or winter, depending on where you are) is shrinking away, and so is our August poetry form. This month we’re learning how to write a diminishing verse, a form of poetry where the last word of each line is a little shorter than the one before it. Join us!
Prompt Up!
Prompt Up is our mandatory weekly writing prompt for the fiction|poetry challenge! Here's How It Works!
For those of you who appreciate a looser prompt, July is the month for you! This month we’re only giving a setting prompt to frame your story around. However, more than half of your story MUST take place at this location. Characters, plot, genre, voice are all up to you!
The prompt, from YeahWrite #382 fiction|poetry winner Margaret Shafer from Unfolding from the Fog, is: What if mice could speak. Incorporate this prompt into your setting or as a plot device. Do not use it word for word.
Your second prompt is the character trait; finicky. Again, don’t use the word exactly as is. Instead, have one of your characters embody this trait. Convey a sense of the word, perhaps through how other characters react to them.
Poets: Write a poem that includes “what if mice could speak?“, or that incorporates “finicky“, or write a diminishing verse (or combine them).
Fiction|Poetry Challenge Grid: Basic YeahWrite Guidelines

YeahWrite Super Challenge
The final round of Super Challenge #9 (nonfiction) is officially underway! Good luck to all our participants as they anxiously await the final results. Did you miss out on registration? Make sure you sign up for our email blast so you don’t miss out on any Super Challenge announcements.
Winners’ Round-Up
In case you missed them, you can find last week’s YeahWrite staff picks and crowd favorites all laid out for you on last Friday’s winners’ post. Leave the winners some love in the comments. They will love you right back, we guarantee it.
Last call: This week’s Weekend Writing Showcase is still open for business until the challenge grids start at midnight! No moderation, no voting. It’s a laid-back relaxed kind of place. Just leave your commercial or sponsored posts at home. Drop by, share your work, and while you’re there, visit your fellow YeahWriters.
YeahWrite in the Wild
You read their words every week, but it's not often you get to see the people behind those words. Browse through our gallery and see if you can spot regular contributors or editors.
If you'd like to be featured in the gallery, simply head over to our Swag shop, make your purchase, then when it arrives send us a photo of you in/with your YeahWrite swag to editors@yeahwrite.me.
About the author:

Michelle submitted her first entry to YeahWrite in March 2012 and was brought on staff shortly thereafter. Over the years, Michelle has been an integral figure at YeahWrite, but in 2016, we were thrilled to have her step into the role of Editor-In-Chief. Personally, she has worked in the insurance/employee benefits industry for over twenty years and also fills her time as a freelance writer. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post and xoJane, as well as several local sites near her northern NJ home. She blogs at Michelle Longo.
My post grew like an amoeba… Be patient please!