Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #6
Parting is such sweet sorrow The judges' results are in and tallied and we're ready to announce the winners of our sixth Super Challenge! Winners, you'll also get an email confirming your details so that we can send your prizes to you. We hope you've had as much fun...
The Final Round of Super Challenge 6 is Underway!
Ten, nine eight... We're down to the final ten writers in Super Challenge 6. You're all fantastic and we're excited to have you here, so we're gonna stretch you to your limits this round with a new prompt: we'll write the summary, you write the story it fits. Yes,...
Congratulations to the Round 2 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #6
When we sat down to design the Super Challenge, we asked ourselves three questions: what makes a writing contest great, what do we enjoy doing, and what is hardly anyone else doing? We came up with our prompts because they make the kind of stories and challenges that...
Super Challenge #6 Round 2 is Underway!
Are you ready for this? We've moved our traditional final round challenge to Round 2 of the Super Challenge this time, and we're excited to see what you come up with. This round our writers will be combining two genres to tell their story. That's it, no character,...
Congratulations to the Round 1 Winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #6
Three groups, three prompts, two days, round one. How'd that first round of the Super Challenge go for everyone? Once again, anything that went right is entirely due to our admin team's untiring work behind the scenes, and anything you hate is probably my fault....
Super Challenge #6 Round 1 is Underway!
Welcome to Super Challenge #6 Are you ready? We are. You've got your group assignment in hand and you're prepared to turn in that prompted story in 1,000 words and 48 hours. You can do it! Remember: if you've got any questions, please only send them to...
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #5
This is the end, my friend The judges' results are in and tallied and we're ready to announce the winners of our fifth Super Challenge! That means it's time to stop comparing your feedback and trying to guess what it means about your score. (Hint: not that much, stop...
Fictioneers, start your engines: Registration for YeahWrite’s 6th Super Challenge is OPEN
If money grew on trees, would it fall into my hands in the autumn? Money doesn't, tragically (or actually when you consider how inflation works, that's probably a good idea), grow on trees. But it does grow with each additional registration in the YeahWrite Super...
The Final Round of Super Challenge #5 is Underway!
Congratulations on making it to the final round of the YeahWrite Super Challenge! This round you'll have a new kind of prompt: a sentence. Each writer will incorporate that sentence into an essay about... well, about wherever that sentence takes them for inspiration....
Congratulations to the Round 2 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #5
Whew. That's over. If personal essays are a creative nonfictioneer's meat and milk, it's still important to know how to persuade your audience. That's what Round Two tested. If you, like many of our writers, felt a little out of your depth, check out this tutorial we...
Super Challenge #5 Round 2 is Underway!
There are 48 Ptolemaic constellations. There are also 48 hours remaining in which our Round Two writers will produce a work of nonfiction. Coincidence? Yes. Entirely. In Round Two, we'll be looking for persuasive essays. A persuasive essay utilizes logic and reason to...
Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #5
Returning Super Challengeers, you probably noticed that Round One was handled a little differently from past Super Challenges. Instead of waiting around for that 10:00 pm email, you got your group assignment early and picked up your own prompt at 10:00. How'd that go...
Super Challenge #5 Round One is Underway!
Fanfare, please! Fun fact: the word "fanfare" comes from... well, nobody can really seem to pin it down. It shares common phonemes with French fanfarer and fanfaron, as well as Arabic farfar. Overall, it's a sort of onomatopoeia that ends up...
Congratulations to the winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #4!
This is the end, my friend The judges' results are in and tallied and we're ready to announce the winners of our fourth Super Challenge! Winners, you'll also get an email confirming your details so that we can send your prizes to you. We hope you've had as much fun...
The Final Round of Super Challenge #4 is Underway!
Well, here we are. It's the final round of YeahWrite's fourth Super Challenge. We're down to ten fantastic writers and we can't wait to see what they come up with! This round, our writers will be combining tropes from two genres to make a blended-genre story. A few...