
If money grew on trees, would it fall into my hands in the autumn?

Money doesn’t, tragically (or actually when you consider how inflation works, that’s probably a good idea), grow on trees. But it does grow with each additional registration in the YeahWrite Super Challenge, and we’re ready to share it with you, as well as prompts and sweet nutritious apples. I mean, feedback. You could buy apples with the cash you win, if you wanted.

That’s right. Registration opens today for YeahWrite’s sixth Super Challenge. We’re taking it back to fiction this time around, with prompted 48-hour stories. Check out the schedule and prompts and sign up here!

All of the editors at YeahWrite are writers too. That’s why when we sat down and started brainstorming ideas for how to run a writing competition that we’d want to pay to enter we ended up with three bullet points: cash prizes, great feedback, and getting that great feedback in time to learn from it and use it in the next round. And great prompts? Of course!

Every writer in our Super Challenge gets substantive feedback on their story from every judge who reads their work before the next round of the competition starts. That means you’ll have a pretty good idea what you need to work on before going into the next round. It also means that nobody walks away with nothing. We know nothing’s worse as a writer than a blank rejection, a “your work didn’t make the cut” with no idea why.

As much as we do love feedback, we also love cash prizes. And writers. We love writers. So what better way to combine the two than to say more writers means more money? Once registration closes and we count up the entry fees, we split the pot: half of the fees we receive go directly into the prize pot. That means the more friends you convince to sign up with you, the bigger the prizes you could win!

What are you waiting for? Check out our prompts, schedule, and more at Super Challenge #6!

We’ve got a special treat for our returning Super Challenge writers, too. Our two-genre mashup, usually the final round of competition, is now the second round prompt. So if you’ve been excited about that prompt but haven’t quite squeezed your way into the top ten, here’s your chance!

About the author:

Rowan submitted exactly one piece of microfiction to YeahWrite before being consumed by the editorial darkside. She spent some time working hard as our Submissions Editor before becoming YeahWrite’s Managing Editor in 2016. She was a BlogHer Voice of the Year in 2017 for her work on intersectional feminism, but she suggests you find and follow WOC instead. In real life she’s been at various times an attorney, aerialist, professional knitter, artist, graphic designer (yes, they’re different things), editor, secretary, tailor, and martial artist. It bothers her vaguely that the preceding list isn’t alphabetized, but the Oxford comma makes up for it. She lives in Portlandia with a menagerie which includes at least one other human. She tells lies at textwall and uncomfortable truths at CrossKnit.


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