Weekly Writing Challenges: Microprose Archive

Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #25
The Big Bang We often refer to microprose as the tiniest stories with the biggest bang. But you have to work for the bang. Micros don't have to pack less of a punch than a full-length short story or even a novella, but to get that emotional payload in, every word has...

Congratulations to the YeahWrite Super Challenge #25 Shortlist!
Short and sweet It's okay - we know you're really here for the results, so we won't keep you waiting long. But before we get to the shortlist, let's take a look at some of the trends we saw across the board. Creative takes on the prompts! While we don't truly...

Super Challenge #25 is Underway!
Big stories, little spaces Hi, and welcome to YeahWrite's second official microfiction challenge. We used to run micros all the time on our free grids - folks seemed to get a kick of telling big stories with a very limited number of words. And so here we are again,...

Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 25th Super Challenge
Micro what now? We love stories of all shapes and sizes. Flash fiction and creative nonfiction - stories and essays under 1000 words - have been our mainstay for over seven years. But sometimes we like to shake things up a little, and this summer seems like a great...

Summer Coworking!
A little help from your friends Join YeahWrite editors for virtual coworking hours throughout the summer! We'll open up a Zoom, make some introductions, talk about what we want to accomplish during the session, and spend an hour or so working quietly on our individual...

Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #18
What a short, strange trip it's been I suppose you're wondering why I've called you all here today. Kidding. I've just always wanted to say that, and this seemed like a good year to cross it off my bucket list. I also want to say thank you for joining us in the...

Congratulations to the shortlist at YeahWrite Super Challenge #18
The Waiting Game Waiting is the worst part of any writing you do, whether it's the Bar Exam or your submissions spreadsheet. We know it; we're writers too. So as we tried on this new competition format, you bet there was a lot of behind-the-scenes debate about whether...

Super Challenge #18 Microfiction Competition is Underway!
Here we go again Or, really, here we go for the first time. YeahWrite's 18th Super Challenge is our first microfiction challenge. We hope you're as excited as we are to test drive this new format. We also hope you're as excited as we are about our FINAL PRIZE AMOUNTS:...

YeahWrite #500 Weekly Writing Challenge: Popular Vote Winners and Editors’ Picks
In the end I've put off writing this until the last minute. I know. It turns out nobody, including me, writes better like that. But in a way, as long as I put off writing this post, the last grid didn't close for me. And for more than half a decade, that's been my...

YW #495 Weekly Writing Challenge: Popular Vote Winners
It's Octobruary Mayly? Jugumber? Whatever month of 2020 it is, it must be the first weekend, because there's a micro grid on this post. If that wasn't enough micro for you, though, you can totally sign up for our first micro Super Challenge before it sells out - and...