lovelinks #37 is open for voting

lovelinks #37 is open for voting

  It’s Wednesday evening, my 10-year-old is heating a tray of honey BBQ chicken nuggets while laughing loudly at junk TV, so lovelinks must be open for voting. How voting works Everybody gets three votes. Depending on your browser, there will be a yellow...
lovelinks #37 is open

lovelinks #37 is open

What plans do you have for your blog in the new year? A new or better design? Writing more frequently or less frequently? Whatever your plans are, remember you have a pretty strong community here at lovelinks full of writing and blogging resources. Stalk our blogs,...
lovelinks #36 is open for voting

lovelinks #36 is open for voting

By the time most of you read this, I’ll be on a five-hour road trip to get my toddler to his grandparents’ north Texas ranch. He’ll have a Christmas filled with decorations, wrapping, holiday cheer and feeding cattle. I’ll get a bottle of...
lovelinks #36 is open

lovelinks #36 is open

I’m still handing out awards from lovelinks #35, so if you’re a newbie, please bear with. It’s all good stuff. winners’ buttons: Shalini, Sheree & Ado Shalini, Sheree and Ado: I owe you guys winners’ buttons for your blogs. If...
baby geez

baby geez

It’s been a very busy month with Christmahanukwanzaakah barreling toward me at a speed I cannot stop. Shopping with the kids, shopping for the kids. Well, panicking while my husband Q shops for the kids—he’s much better at making three children very...

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