lovelinks #35 is open for voting

lovelinks #35 is open for voting

Crazy of me to think there would be a drop off in lovelinks entries during Christmahanukwanzaakah preparations, eh? Not only was there no decrease, we met twelve virgins who boosted participation. Twelve virgins and a partridge in a pear tree. That’s a whole...
lovelinks #35 is open

lovelinks #35 is open

As promised, I made a custom button for the lovelinker with the most creative entry in Alison’s Memories Captured linkup with Galit Breen. Christine at Quasi Agitato’s photo was like a little O. Henry story, and I liked it. Stasha’s Monday Listicles...
lovelinks #34 is open for voting

lovelinks #34 is open for voting

Our design + karma point concept was introduced yesterday and, judging by the two reply comments and one reply tweet, it may seem overly complicated, but life is complicated, and that doesn’t stop us from lounging by the pool or buying a new TV. I’ll keep...
the new lovelinks point system

the new lovelinks point system

Quick announcement: my Secret Santa mug from Mug Swap 2011 arrived yesterday! It was a gift from Kris Mulkey at What’s Cooking? This post was written while I was caffeinating myself with it, and I’m so excited. I love it when bloggers are brought together...

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