
Much like The Jeffersons and One Day at a Time or any other ’70s piece of awesomeness, lovelinks needs a catchy, iconic theme song.

Sung to the tune of Happy Days, and if you don’t know the tune, get off my lawn:

♫ Tuesday, Wednesday

lovelinks days.

Thursday, Friday

lovelinks days.

Lovelinks day

what a day

linking all week with you!

These days are aaaaa-llllll (these days are all)

lovelink days

these days are aaaaaa-llllll (these days are all)

lovelink days

these days are aaaaa-llllll (these days are all)

lovelink days.

All lovelink days! ♫

This is what happens when I’m out of vodka. Every time.

Anyway, theme song or no theme song, Week 4 has arrived. Fourteen bloggers are biting their nails in anticipation of winning the most creative prize ever offered in the blogosphere—something they can actually fucking use really cool—a text ad in the sidebar of The Bloggess. Even without the potentially numerous click-throughs, just getting their blog name in front of several hundred thousand readers each month is a valuable, exciting opportunity. And being linked by one of the big blogs helps strengthen a blog’s Internet reputation with the ladies. I mean with the search engines.

Please take the time and read the 14 bloggers who clawed their way moved a few mountains to get here. Choose your favorite just in time to come back and vote on Thursday.

The popular vote will still determine the winner of lovelinks #26, but we’ll have to give the judges time to read and vote, give me time to do math-like stuff, then The Bloggess side bar ad winner will be announced next week after we’ve all done our parts.

In case you’re stopping by for the first time: I know the title says “lovelinks #26 is open” and the little blue button seems to indicate you can submit your link, but ignore all that—it’s not talking to you today. It’ll be talking to you next week and the week after that. For now, would you mind just hanging out and reading and voting and not sending me notes saying “hey, I’m trying to link up, but it won’t let me”? It has to be this way, don’t take it personally. We still love you, stranger who found us while surfing the Web. You complete us.

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