
For those of you who love planning ahead…

Click the plus sign inside of the disc in the upper right hand corner of this page. It’s up and to the right of the social media icons. Once you click, the hidden widget will drop and you can grab the code you’ll need for Monday’s summer series and hangout grids.

If you want to use a hangout badge as your summer series grid backlink:

change 64-open-hangout to 64-open-summer inside the code

If you want to use a challenge badge as your hangout grid backlink:

change 64-open-summer to 64-open-hangout inside the code

What’s all this about a summer series? Haven’t you heard? The yeah write summer writer’s series starts Monday as yeah write #64. It will last seven weeks, displacing the yeah write challenge grid until August 21. Our first guest editor will be Eric S of Saalon Muyo who will teach us how to create a compelling personal narrative. I can’t wait.

Click here for the oh-so-important summer FAQ. The summer writer’s grid will not be open submissions and, to get onto the grid, you’ll have to follow a few guidelines. We are so excited about it. Make sure you’re subscribed to the yeah write weekly email blast so you won’t miss a single event.

Yeah write #64 opens Monday.

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