November is for writers
November… it’s the time of year for all the fall things, eating leftover Hallowe’en candy, snuggling by a fire, and driving yourself bananas trying to write every single day!
Yeah write is back with a 30 day challenge designed to help you build your writing practice by getting your butt in the chair and your fingers on the keyboard daily. It’s that simple and that hard.
Welcome to NoMo at yeah write 2015! NoMo excuses. NoMo wishing you could just get started. NoMo shortening of words to make a cute little name for month-long writing (okay, maybe just this last one).[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Sign up now!
Joining this challenge is easy – simply grab the NoMo badge from the sidebar, post it to the main page of your blog and add your blog’s URL to the inlinkz grid below between midnight EDT October 29, 2015 and midnight EST November 5, 2015. (Yes, the US will end daylight savings time and return to standard time during our entry period and I promise that’s the most complicated thing in this process.)
There’s no need to add your posts every single day. Just use your main blog URL and people can jump in whenever.
Yeah write staff will review each blog for daily posting and anyone who gets to the finish line (aka November 30) with one post a day for 30 days will be eligible for a prize![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Prizes? What’s that now?
Your sense of accomplishment should be prize enough. No, I’m kidding.
Everyone who signs up by midnight EDT on November 5, 2015, and posts to their blog every single day throughout November will be eligible to win one of three Random Penguin mugs (alternate prize of equal value to non-US residents).
Note that if you sign up after November 1, you still need to have had blog posts daily every day in November. Signing up on the 5th doesn’t get you a pass on the first few days of writing.
Read your rowmies
We are all about community here and the NoMo writing challenge is no different. At yeah write, your rowmies are the other blogs in the same row as you on the grid. We’d love it if you’d visit every blog on the grid, but we know you’re busy. Please do your best to visit the blogs of your rowmies, and anyone else you can, as often as possible to comment and cheer them on. Make new friends and discover new-to-you blogs.
Halfway through, we’ll mix it up!
The fine print
Posting every day means that when we look to verify your postings, we will see one dated every day in November. No doubling up because you missed a day. (You can still hang with us, you just won’t be eligible for the prize.)
All genres are welcome. Mixed genre blogs are welcome! A post could be a photo and a caption. It can be a 3,000 word diatribe. Maybe it’s an entry into one of our 3 regular weekly challenges – nonfiction, fiction|poetry, or microstories. Maybe it’s something else. You have to post SOMETHING.
Remember that if you join in a regular yeah write weekly writing challenge, your entry to that grid counts as a daily post, but it must adhere to the guidelines of that challenge’s submission guidelines. Word count, publication date, answering the ultimate question, etc. all matter.
Not sure you’ve got it? Ask a question in comments, hit us up on Facebook or in the coffeehouse, tweet at us, or send us an email at getsocial@yeahwrite.me. We’ll help you out.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Sign up here!

I guess something is busted on my side, with or without the link back on here I can’t seem to get registered.
This is really me just saying that I am back in…again…this year 🙂
Hi Michelle! I’ve seen many of my favorite bloggers participate in #YeahWrite challenges and this November, I thought I’d jump right in and do the 30-day stint! Looking forward to buddying up! Love that word “rowmies” 🙂
Cheers and wishign you a fantastic month ahead!
Love, Vidya
I’ve been looking forward to this, and now feeling a bit daunted, but Excelsior!
BTW, having trouble getting the link to work, and advice? The badge shows up on my sidebar, but I am getting an error message. HELP! Thanks
Added the badge to my blog and eagerly waiting for the linky to open 🙂
All the best everyone!!
I’m going to think on this. It doesn’t have a prescribed word count, which is something I can’t stand about NaNoWriMo. The end result of NaNoWriMo has always been a steaming pile of crap that I have the same affinity for as toxic waste. I just don’t write that way.
I (and the other members of the infamous Team Netherworld) have only ever participated in the Moonshine Grid challenges here, as too many hard and fast rules do not jibe well with my chaotic little bipolar brain. This is a bit strange, I suppose, considering that I also have OCD. However, in this case, the bipolar wins out.
I think we’re (the other members of Team Netherworld and I) going to jump in the game. We’ll have to vote on which blog to do it on. We’re just wrapping up OctPoWriMo and we’re kind of poetry’d out. It’s a toss-up between blogs.
The first possibility is our Encyclopedia Netherworld blog, wherein we’d introduce you to a different element of our crazy world every day.
The second possibility is the blog for our team novel in progress. It’s in a first draft stage, so even though there’s a story line, the posts are not in order and things are kind of chaotic.
Our third possibility is to kick things over to our “From Team Netherworld With Love” blog, which is a mixed bag with no rules. That way we can nab anything we’ve posted on one of our many other blogs on the same day and kick it over there as a cross-post, and none of it has to be cohesive. I’m kind of leaning in that direction right now.
I’ll put it to a vote, but I’m pretty sure we’re in on this. I hope it will be fun. Sometimes you meet very lovely people on blog hops. A few times I’ve encountered the sort that make me want to reject the human race entirely and go live with actual trolls, not the hiding behind a keyboard getting their jollies trying to take the piss out of others kind.
Anyone who was born and raised in a pumpkin patch has to be okay though. That’s a very Netherworld kind of thing.
I so want to jump back in with this…