Weekly Writing Challenges Archive
Welcome to YeahWrite’s archives. Below, you’ll find all of our posts. We kick off each writing week on Friday (what?) with a new prompt for you. For 500 weeks YeahWrite hosted “weekly grids” which enabled writers to link their self-hosted responses, and to read and vote on each others’ work, as well as commenting. Check out our creative nonfiction, fiction|poetry, and microprose archives for a closer look at our nearly ten years of weekly writing competitions. While we no longer host weekly competition grids, we’re still delivering the prompts you love as well as our Super Challenge and classes. We also feature monthly instructional or challenge posts, which you’ll find collected here as well as in our writing help archive!

YeahWrite #615 Weekly Writing Challenge
New Year, New Offerings Our community has been begging us to put out an anthology for years, and though it's been high on our list, we knew we had to wait until the perfect time so that we had the resources and knowledge to do it right. Well, that time is now,...

YeahWrite #614 Weekly Writing Challenge
Building blocks I can't tell you how excited I am for this year's workshop series. It's near and dear to my heart, as a writer and reader of ... well, everything. We've taken you through how to deal with prompts. With how to edit your work. And now we're cycling back...

Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 27th AND 28th Super Challenges
Enticing? It's a new year, and we're enthused. We hope you're as enraptured as we are by the news that YeahWrite is putting together our first ever anthology, and that you're... you know what, I designed this whole paragraph around a bunch of "en" words and now I'm...

YeahWrite #613 Weekly Writing Challenge
New news for a new year I know I said it in our January email, but happy New Year, YeahWriters! I don't generally do resolutions, but this year I'm hoping to rediscover the joy of writing. I'm going to write what makes me happy (or satisfied - sometimes my favorite...

The Scarlet Quill Society: What and Why are Tropes?
Welcome (back) to the Scarlet Quill Society! In 2023 YeahWrite's free workshop is going back to the basics with a focus on tropes, the sometimes imperceptible and often underrated building blocks of writing. Check out the bottom of this post (and every post) for a...

YeahWrite #612 Weekly Writing Challenge
New Year, New View So we’re all looking down the barrel of 2023. I’ll tell you right now I do not believe in resolutions. If I want to change, I will. If it doesn’t stick, it must not be working for me. I don’t see the use in nagging myself for a month or two to make...

Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #26
A few of my favorite things No, it's not raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. OK the kittens thing maybe. I don't have a cat problem, and I'm not a cat lady, I swear. But besides kittens, what I love is feedback from our judges that goes like this: Every story...

YeahWrite #611 Weekly Writing Challenge
Happy Merry Bah Humbug Whether you observe religious celebrations at this time of year or not, it's still a busy time. The end of the calendar year is often when contests are winding up, submissions windows are closing, and rejections or acceptances are flying through...

YeahWrite #610 Weekly Writing Challenge
Healthy Habits I'm sure we've all heard the ol' saying that "Real writers write every day." I used to ascribe to this, dragging myself to the keyboard each and every day, forcing terrible words out of me even though it was the last thing I wanted to do that day. As I...

YeahWrite #609 Weekly Writing Challenge
Let it snow It snowed at my house this week. Before anyone jumps up to say that that's nothing special and I'm only excited because I live in the Pacific Northwest where it's more likely to rain than either snow or be sunny, I need you to know that I was also this...