shake it up, baby! yeah write’s nomo writing challenge 2015

shake it up, baby! yeah write’s nomo writing challenge 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Twist and shout!  Nothing like a groovy Beatles tune to get me dancing. You know what else is groovy? Yeah write’s November writing challenge is almost two-thirds over, and we shook up the rowmies today, just for fun. In fact,...
yeah write #240 weekly writing challenge is open for popular voting: nonfiction, fiction|poetry and microstories

yeah write #240 weekly writing challenge is open for popular voting: nonfiction, fiction|poetry and microstories

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Vote for your favorite nonfiction, fiction and microstories here Holy smokes, you guys. If you’re a NoMo’er and you’re still hanging in there, pat yourself on the back. If a lot of life happened and you had to take...

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