Welcome, virgins!
Congratulations to everyone who joined the moderated grid this week – especially those of you new to yeah write. We hope you enjoyed basking in the camaraderie of the most supportive writing challenge on the web. Join us next week!
Crowd favorite
“The Fourth Day Never Comes” by Therese Oneill at You’re Doing It Wrong
Therese Oneill takes crowd favorite this week for her post “The Fourth Day Never Comes,” a look at the tension-filled inner life familiar to anyone who suffers from anxiety disorder, and the double-edged sword of the meds we use to treat it. Therese’s writing captures her growing unease as external forces drive her toward the pill bottle, while her self-imposed internal pressure to weather the storm pushes her away. We palpably feel the strain as she calculates and recalculates the time since her last dose. The post is an ode to rising panic as only one who suffers from the disease can portray it.
Congratulations, Therese! Go grab your crowd favorite badge in the sidebar.
Congrats also to Bill and Natalie for rounding out the top row three. You get badges too!
Weekend moonshine grid opens today at 6 p.m. eastern time and we have PRIZES!
It’s the weekend, and Natalie D is setting up her moonshine grid and bathtub gin just for you. The moonshine grid is the flip side of our weekly challenges: a no-stress link-up where we accept anything except commercial or sponsored posts. You can catch up with Natalie starting at 6 p.m. eastern time today. Closing time is midnight on Monday.
Was your challenge grid submission returned to you this week? Thanks to ML Philpott over at I Miss You When I Blink, we have a little something for you. If you incorporate the suggested revisions from submissions editor Obed’s love letter, then resubmit your post to Friday’s moonshine grid, you will be entered into a drawing for a coffee mug featuring ML’s random penguins.
Shipping available only to winner with US or Canada mailing address.
The thumbnails are now sorted in the grid from most votes to the least. In the case of a tie, the thumbnails are additionally sorted by page views.
Do not be discouraged if your blog has landed near the bottom of the grid; especially if it was a tight race. The fun lies in getting better exposure for your blog and, in the spirit of competition, an incentive to improve your writing and blogging skills. It’s a win-win for everybody involved.
Thanks again, everybody, for submitting, for reading, and for accepting the weekly writing challenge. And for making yeah write the most welcoming spot on the Interwebs for writers who blog and bloggers who write.
Take a moment…
Before you go? Congratulate this week’s winners in the comments, and let your favorites know their work meant something to you. Yeah write #149 opens Tuesday.

Congratulations Therese, Bill and Natalie!
Congratulations to Therese, Bill & Natalie!
Congratulations, Therese! Thanks, everybody, for another great week!