
With shirking blog responsibilities comes great responsibility. ~Henry David Thoreau on Twitter.

Alison at Mama Wants This, the winner of lovelinks #5, is having a great time hosting lovelinks #6. She’s baked cookies, offered housekeeping services, babysat a lonely puppy or two. All I did with lovelinks 1-5 is set out a bowl of water for any vagrants that happened to pass through on the way to the Renaissance Fair.

I had a quiet moment after the best nap ever yesterday and clicked through to the participating blogs to see how things were coming along. Lots of mommybloggers (not that there’s anything wrong with that), lots of funny and well-written posts, lots of reading and commenting.

Lots of “Alison’s lovelinks” as people started catching onto the project which was cute the first 1000 times. Okay, it’s still cute since Alison is my Internet Girlfriend, No. 9, but seriously: read her original post: it’s Erica over at free fringes lovelinks. Alison is this week’s host. My lovelinks, her blog. Good gravy, people, pay attention. There will be a test.

And here it is:

  1. The winner of lovelinks #6 will have the opportunity to host lovelinks #7 on her or his own blog. If the winner says something like OMG why would I want to do that? All I wanted was new readers and new commenters and a way to find cool new blogs, who said anything about hosting the damn thing then I will host it for the week. And blacklist that ungrateful mofo. Kidding about the blacklist. No, I’m not. Kidding. No. I’m not.
  2. If the winner does decide to host that next week’s lovelinks, code requiring submitted blogs to have a  backlink to free fringes will be inserted into the linkup. Meaning this: instead of raving about “soandso’s lovelinks”, each blogger will be excited about, yeah, you guessed it: free fringes lovelinks. Because, honestly, you know. Geez.
  3. Because I’m creating an extra step for everyone, I’ll allow three votes each instead of one. That way, you can vote for your sister, your neighbor and your Internet pal, no anxiety needed.

Ehren has come to the portion of the toddler program in which it’s high-larious when he’s hitting me, head-butting me or raspberry-spitting his water, juice or spit all over me. He can now also say I love you Mommy as a complete sentence without prompting. Murder, I tell you. He’s getting away with murder.

In comments: the one movie you’ve seen the most times. Starting with our first viewing today, I’ll bet The Princess and the Frog manages to surpass Shrek.

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