
Short fiction is in trouble

If you’ve been running around in the short fiction writing community for any length of time, you know that there has been a lot of upheaval and uncertainty. The onslaught of AI-generated story submissions, an increase in scams and predatory publishing “services”, and the closure of Amazon’s newspaper and magazine subscription service, Newsstand, have all made it increasingly difficult for publishers of short fiction to stay in business.

There’s a rumor going around that the only people who read short stories are short story writers – but according to Neil Clarke of Clarkesworld Magazine, that’s just not true. There are more than enough short story readers out there to keep these important venues afloat; we just need to make it convenient to do so. And so, with the holiday season coming up, I’m asking everyone I know to support online magazines and short fiction publishers by purchasing (or gifting) a subscription. Here are a couple of places you can find them:

If you know of others, please drop a link in the comments!

Why the focus on short fiction? Short stories – including drabbles, flash, novelettes, novellas, and everything in between – allow writers to experiment with form, to develop their own voice, and to get their work in front of people more quickly than the novel publishing process can. They also allow writers to explore current topics of social importance*, and to give readers a quick escape without committing to 400+ pages of a sweeping epic. And for many of us writers, short stories are where we got our start. Let’s keep as many of these opportunities as possible available for writers and readers alike.


* For a powerful example, I highly recommend Samantha Mills’ award-winning short story “Rabbit Test” (Uncanny Magazine). CW: Sexual Assault, abuse, traumatic miscarriage, psych ward treatment, and suicide.

Welcome to Week #658

Here’s where you’ll find everything you need to get yourself ready to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)! Use our prompts—or don’t—and share links to your essays, stories, and poems in the Coffeehouse, located both on Facebook or Discord.

This Week’s Writing Prompt is:

This week, your job, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story, essay, or poem incorporating the following prompt:

Trope: Power at a Price

We’re taking a cue from this year’s Scarlet Quill Society and getting some practice incorporating – or subverting – popular tropes. This week, we’re all about POWER: who gets it, and at what cost. This could be as mundane as a promotion that forces your character to choose between a happy home life and a successful career, or as fantastical as a superpower that takes a toll on your character’s body or psyche. It’s a common theme in speculative fiction, but also in litfic and other genres – even memoir and creative nonfiction. If you need more information on the prompt, click the link and check out the description. What will your take be on this trope?

Play with the prompt, and when you’ve got your story down, share your response in the Coffeehouse, located both on Facebook and Discord, by linking your blog post, Google Doc, or other file. Bonus points if you do it on WIP Wednesday! Stuck? Check out last year’s — no, year before last! — series on responding to prompts. While you’re at it, make sure to check out your fellow YeahWriters’ responses, and don’t forget to leave them some love in the comments!

Looking for our weekly grids? After nearly ten years, they’ve been retired. Read more about the latest changes to YeahWrite in the #500 Weekly Writing Challenge Kickoff Post.

The Schedule

We will release a new prompt on our blog every Friday at 12pm Eastern. Then it’s up to you! Write your response to the prompt on your own blog or website and share the link in the Coffeehouse, located both on Facebook or Discord. If you prefer to keep your work under wraps (and away from the eyes of potential publishers), you can still ask for beta readers in the Coffeehouse and share your work privately! Every Monday, we’ll check in to see how you’re doing and what your writing goals are for the week. Wednesdays are “Work-in-Progress Wednesdays.” Share a few sentences or even a paragraph or two in the Coffeehouse (no more than 250 words, please). Even if you’re not done writing, this could be the boost you need to stay motivated. Did you publish a book? Do you have a story in a magazine? The First Friday of every month is for self-promotion, where you can share commercial links to your work for purchase. (You can always share the news that you’ve been accepted for publication, though!) And of course, the entire community is here 24-7 to share your victories and setbacks, challenges and accomplishments. So come on in, pull up a chair, and say hello. We’re all writers here.

Upcoming and Ongoing

Sign up for our email blast so you don’t miss out on any upcoming classes, workshops, or competitions.

Scarlet Quill Society (Free Workshop w/ Optional Paid Benefits)
Welcome to the secret back room where the Scarlet Quill Society meets. In this year-long workshop, we’ll be focusing on tropes! Love ’em or hate ’em, you can’t avoid ’em. For the purpose of this year’s workshop, we’re defining a trope as a building block of storytelling. It’s a device or pattern of events that is used to solve plot or character problems or communicate meaning efficiently and effectively.

Check out November’s post, where we jump from tropes to metatropes with the Death of the Author. It’s one way to engage with media when the creator has done their best to Ruin Your Childhood, but is it the best or only way? Find out in our post, and then come see what our experts have to say for the low low price of $5 (or free with your YW membership). This month’s live discussion is TBA, but we’ll keep you updated!

Did you miss October’s post? Hop on over to YouTube to watch the recording and check out what our experts had to say (about monsterfucking) on a pay-what-you-can basis! If you have a good time, leave a tip and we’ll love you forever.

Scarlet Quill Society workshop posts are always free. In addition, we are offering a couple add-ons that we think you’ll find exciting and worth a few bucks a month: face-to-face (okay, virtual) monthly gatherings to delve into the topics and answer your questions, and an editorial backroom on Discord! And for a bonus, if you’re a paid SQS member and you can’t make it to a meeting, you can still send us questions beforehand and we’ll make sure to cover them.

Sign up for a membership today to join the Scarlet Quill Society and automatically receive the Zoom link and password for every meeting. One-off monthly meeting tickets can also be purchased on Kofi. At YeahWrite we believe information wants to be shared. If you can’t afford to join us for society meetings, we post the recording about a week later, and you’re welcome to leave the tip you can afford (even if that’s just a nice thank you comment). Check out our YouTube channel for more.

2023 Anthology? WATCH THIS SPACE!
At YeahWrite, like it says on the box, we believe that your words – and your voice – matter. That has always been the core of our mission: to help authors develop and share their individual voices, whether they write romance, fantasy, mysteries, literary fiction, creative nonfiction, or anything else. It’s all storytelling, and we want your stories to shine. That’s why we’re excited to help them shine in print for the first time! Our 2023 anthology, opening soon for submissions, will include 20 flash stories (fiction and creative nonfiction) that have a clear authorial voice and an innovative structure: braided stories, epistolaries, stories told as logbooks or news articles – these are just examples of the sorts of stories we are excited to publish. Can’t figure out your genre? Not a problem, we’re not genre-limiting this one! So dig back into your archive for that special story to dust off and tune up, or get ready to put pen to paper for that new idea that will help you procrastinate on the other writing you should be doing. Because we love our newsletter subscribers, we’ll give them an early heads up with all the submissions guidelines. We’ll also send you details on the Kickstarter we’re planning that should help make our anthology even better!
Spontaneous Writing Challenges
Looking for a bit of inspiration? Missing the grids? Then join the Coffeehouse on Discord (where the stories are made up and the points don’t matter) and head to the prompts forum. Each day, anyone can post a micro writing challenge (but just one per day!). Share your responses within the thread and earn XP within the server. We hope to see you there!

About the author:

Christine Hanolsy is a (primarily) science fiction and fantasy writer who simply cannot resist a love story. She joined the YeahWrite team in 2014 as the microstory editor and stepped into the role of Editor-In-Chief in 2020. Christine was a 2015 BlogHer Voices of the Year award recipient and Community Keynote speaker for her YeahWrite essay, “Rights and Privileges.” Her short fiction has been published in a number of anthologies and periodicals and her creative nonfiction at Dead Housekeeping and in the Timberline Review. Outside of YeahWrite, Christine’s past roles have included Russian language scholar, composer, interpreter, and general cat herder. Find her online at christinehanolsy.com.


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