The Weekend Writing Showcase is open!
TGIF, YeahWriters! Let’s make this place your home for all the stories that didn’t make it to the YeahWrite competitive grids this week. As a refresher, here’s what we had going on!
Technique Toolbox: The Joyride
Bored? Tired? Can’t figure out who your characters are and what they want? Try taking them out for a joyride in an alternate universe. What would your main character do if everything was the same except the setting? And don’t worry, nonfictioneers, this month’s Technique Toolbox has you covered too, with some tips for how to reframe your personal essays!
Fiction|Poetry Prompt Up:
The first prompt, from YeahWrite #391 fiction|poetry winner Anusha, is: “And if she doesn’t come?”
The second prompt is a theme prompt. The theme is not the plot, it isn’t the rise and fall of action, it’s a more general sense of what the story is about. For example, a theme of Cinderella is good vs. evil.
The second prompt, from the YeahWrite editors, is: vengeance.
October Poetry Slam: The Pitch
One of the best ways to learn to write poetry is to read the work of established poets and see what they’re doing. Danez Smith just became the youngest-ever winner of the Forward poetry prize, so this month we’ll be spending a little time with one of their poems, PITCH FOR A MOVIE: LION KING IN THE HOOD deconstructing what makes it work and trying to write our own pitch-style poem. Join us!
October Microprose:
This month, we want you to scare the pants off of us with a ghost story in 65 words that concludes with: But when [action], nothing was there. The prompt words do count toward your 65-word total (5 prompt words + 60 words of your own). The prompt words may stand alone or be part of a sentence. (“I held my breath, but when Sarah pulled the curtain, nothing was there.”)
You know the drill, YeahWriters. Bring us your best writing this weekend!
You got rules, right?
What?! It’s the weekend. There are no rules during the weekend. You can share a post that’s as many words as you like, a piece of fiction, a poem of your choosing, or a persuasive essay. Whatever you want, you can share. Well, except commercial or sponsored posts. That’s the one rule that never changes.
While you’re hanging out with us, please remember to visit other posts on the grid, comment, and take part in the community here! That’s what makes YeahWrite the place to be.
Weekend Writing Showcase: Basic YeahWrite Guidelines

About the author:

Amazon. Arden lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband and two fur-babies. To read more of her stories, visit her website.
In early 2014, Arden joined YeahWrite as a contributing editor and social media manager, and we haven’t been able to get rid of her since. Behind the scenes, Arden is currently working on the first novel of her Hybrid trilogy. She also recently published a fantasy anthology entitled The Seven Sceptres which can be purchased on