
The Weekend Writing Showcase is open!

TGIF, YeahWriters! Let’s make this place your home for all the stories that didn’t make it to the YeahWrite competitive grids this week. As a refresher, here’s what we had going on!

Technique Toolbox: Design

There’s no point in writing – at least, not in writing and posting your writing online – if nobody’s reading it. Find out some things you might be doing to accidentally make your writing harder to read in this month’s Technique Toolbox, where Rowan unpacks blog design and reader interface for everyone!

Fiction|Poetry Prompt Up:

The first prompt is a photo prompt found here.

The second prompt, the three words that your story must contain, from YeahWrite #354 fiction|poetry winner Laura, is: “radiant, orbit, expand.”

Poets: write a poem that incorporates the photo prompt, a poem that includes all three words of the word prompt (“radiant, orbit, expand“), or a kyrielle poem.

February Poetry Slam: Kyrielle

We know February is traditionally given over to sonnets, but Rowan hates sonnets. What’s a poet to do? Well, our answer is to explore a different rhyming, metered form, the kyrielle. Taken from old church songs, the kyrielle has not only a rhyme but a refrain, which saves you the trouble of writing at least one line per stanza. Get lyrical this month in about 12 lines.

February Microprose:

This month, we want you to retell an old story – a fairy tale – in a new way. To be specific: retell your favorite fairy tale in exactly 49 words.

You know the drill, YeahWriters. Bring us your best writing this weekend!

You got rules, right?

What?! It’s the weekend. There are no rules during the weekend. You can share a post that’s as many words as you like, a piece of fiction, a poem of your choosing, or a persuasive essay. Whatever you want, you can share. Well, except commercial or sponsored posts. That’s the one rule that never changes.

While you’re hanging out with us, please remember to visit other posts on the grid, comment, and take part in the community here! That’s what makes YeahWrite the place to be.

How to submit and fully participate in the Weekend Writing Showcase:

Basic YeahWrite guidelines: no word limit; no date restriction; no commercial/advertising posts (product reviews, sponsored posts, etc.); three post maximum per writer.

1. In the sidebar of this week’s post, please grab the code beneath the Weekend Showcase badge and paste it into the HTML view of your entry;
2. Follow the Inlinkz instructions after clicking “add your link” to upload your entry to this week’s grid;
3. Your entry should appear immediately on the grid if you don’t receive an error message;
4. Please make the rounds to read all the entries; and
5. Consider turning off moderated comments and CAPTCHA on your own blog.

Have fun!

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About the author:

Arden joined YeahWrite in early 2014 to operate as its Social Media Manager. She also heads up YeahWrite’s Who’s on Fourth feature, as well as the Weekend Writing Showcase. Working day-to-day as a paralegal, she spends most of her free time writing short stories and the occasional nonfiction essay at her website. She is currently working on the first novel of her Hybrid trilogy as well as a fantasy anthology with three other writers.

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