
BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo at yeah write starts Nov. 1

We’re pretty much full up on guest posts, showing how involved our humble little community can be! Once BlogHer opens its November NaBloPoMo blogroll, we will open the NaBlo grid here at yeah write. Until then, let’s start doing some cardio or other relevant workouts to get ready for 30 straight days of blogging with your friends and family in this space. You’ll need water, so stock up. 

If you have a perk package donation, such as a copy of your favorite book or a batch of your favorite cookies, please list it on the Google spreadsheet sign-up sheet. You will have to request access; it’s the only way we can capture your email without making it public on the sheet. Thank you!

Welcome to yeah write #132 weekly challenge grid popular voting

Is your first draft on the grid, or is it your seventh? Did you proofread? Did you read your entry aloud, making sure any awkward phrasing was smoothed over by your final edits? Whatever your answers to the questions, it’s time for a little friendly competition. You’re ready or you’re not and, either way, here we go!

Are you here as a reader and voter? Welcome! Please choose the five best on the grid based on technical and artistic merit. Is it a well-told narrative, free of typographical or structural error? Does the writer demonstrate passion for the subject or does it feel dry and clinical? Were you captivated until the very end or did your eyes glaze over by the second sentence? Think of your vote as an endorsement of a well-written piece, not as a favor to a friend who asked you to stop by and scroll down to his or her thumbnail.

Challenge grid voting

The challenge grid crowd favorite and top row five winners will be determined by popular vote.

Everybody gets five votes

Click on the thumbnail to read the post before voting. Click on the voting icon to vote for the post after reading. Do not vote for your own post, please. (Some of you guys are trying to kill me)

Read the posts before voting

We are responsible voters here at yeah write. Read, evaluate, vote on merit. We’re still writing the yeah write way, and we want the votes to reflect it.

Voting is open until Thursday, 10:00 p.m. EDT

  • If it’s after 10:00 p.m. EDT [-4 GMT] on Thursday when you’re trying to vote, voting is closed. There will be no more voting icons on the thumbnail and voting will not work.
  • Once you’ve voted for your five favorite posts, you’re done voting. The voting icons will disappear.
  • Voting for your own post should be disabled. If it’s not, please don’t vote for your own post.
  • Once you’ve voted for the five best on the grid, you are then free to campaign for votes for your favorite entries.
  • If you’d like to see the current vote tallies after you’ve voted, refresh the page.
  • If you ask your people to vote for your entry, please let them know they have five votes, and they should vote for yours only if it’s one of those five best on the grid. Campaigning for your own targeted votes is highly discouraged.
  • Yeah write and the Inlinkz app allow only one round of five votes per IP address. When campaigning for votes for your favorites, please ask outside voters to read this section before voting. It will lessen their confusion and curb their clicking enthusiasm.
  • Don’t make Erica M’s kids have cold cereal for dinner because she’s ignoring them while tracking people driving from hot spot to hot spot to vote nine different times. So uncool, no matter how much her kids like cold cereal.

Winners’ post published Friday by noon EDT

Once the voting ends, the challenge grid will sort itself from highest number of votes to the fewest. Ties are broken by number of page views. Until the winners’ post is published, none of the sorting will be official, but you can still get a good idea of where everyone ended up until the votes are validated.

Refreshing the page, watching the votes go up or down?

When the votes go down, that’s Erica M eliminating targeted or duplicate votes from enthusiastic BFFs and people accidentally voting for their own posts. The vote tallies show only from the same IP address you voted from the first time, so if you leave home and get to the gym and, oops, now can’t see who’s in the lead, please wait until you get back home. Your voting again to reveal the new tallies just makes much more work for Erica M who, in exasperation, may delete first and ask no questions later. One voting round per IP address, one voting round per person. Thanks.

Yeah write #132 voting is open…


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