Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #20
A token of our affection As the token gamer of the team, I've been playing a lot of, well, stuff lately. Some to relax, some to catch up (first of all, the Hugos have a video game category this year; second of all, I have a lot of Zelda to replay before all the...
Super Challenge #20 Round 1 is Underway!
April showers bring May... Allergies. Also flowers, I guess. I had no idea until I started wearing masks and not getting sick how many of my seasonal colds were exacerbated by having moved away and back and given up any tolerance at all I had for my local pollen....
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #19
It's time Like our prompt phrase, the headline for this post can have a lot of meanings. First, "it's time" to make our announcements. But also, you know what contributed to the success of a lot of these essays? That's right: "it's time." The best seasoning for an...
Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 20th Super Challenge
First of all, are you kidding me? Twenty Super Challenges? We've been doing this for five years? Kids that weren't even born for Super Challenge One can read now? Well. I guess that's another generation of writers. Here's hoping we'll still be writing these "here's...
The final round of Super Challenge #19 is underway!
The Chair-y On Top We've all had bad weeks. Weird ones. Hard ones. The cherry on top of this week, in which it seemed everything spilled, broke, broke down, or some diabolical combination of the above, was my desk chair breaking. Because I leaned over to pick up a...
Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #19
I suppose you're wondering why I've gathered you all here... Apparently my pandemic binge-watch is going to be every mystery movie and series that I've got access to. Or at least that's what it looks like this month. So in that spirit, allow me to present you with a...
Super Challenge #19 Round 1 is Underway!
Happy New Year! It's the Year of the Ox - a hardworking sign, and we're kicking the year off with some hard, but hopefully pleasant, work for you: a Super Challenge weekend. Over the next 48 hours you'll be crafting an essay using the prompt for your group (you did...
Registration is OPEN for Super Challenge #19!
It's a new year, and we're ready to dive right into our next competition. With everything that happened in 2020 (murder hornets, anyone? That should be fiction, not non-), we're sure you've got lots of stories to tell, and we want to hear them! Registration opens...
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #18
What a short, strange trip it's been I suppose you're wondering why I've called you all here today. Kidding. I've just always wanted to say that, and this seemed like a good year to cross it off my bucket list. I also want to say thank you for joining us in the...
Congratulations to the shortlist at YeahWrite Super Challenge #18
The Waiting Game Waiting is the worst part of any writing you do, whether it's the Bar Exam or your submissions spreadsheet. We know it; we're writers too. So as we tried on this new competition format, you bet there was a lot of behind-the-scenes debate about whether...
Super Challenge #18 Microfiction Competition is Underway!
Here we go again Or, really, here we go for the first time. YeahWrite's 18th Super Challenge is our first microfiction challenge. We hope you're as excited as we are to test drive this new format. We also hope you're as excited as we are about our FINAL PRIZE AMOUNTS:...
Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 18th Super Challenge
Microfiction. Microprose. Short-short stories. "Drabbles." No matter what your term for the shortest fiction out there is, we love it too. And with only a few tiny weeks remaining in 2020 (seriously? the longest year in ever is almost over?), we thought we'd follow...
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #17
On the edge of seventeen How is it possible that we've had seventeen Super Challenges already? It's a rush - and a letdown - every time we get to announce the winners. But don't worry: #18 is coming up in just a few months! But right now? The judges' results are in...
The final round of Super Challenge #17 is underway!
The sky's the limit Well, actually Sunday night's the limit. That's how long you've got to complete an essay using the prompt that you're about to read. The good news is, you don't have to answer a question or constrain yourself to a topic. The bad news is that you've...
Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #17
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Or not, if you don't eat chicken for one reason or another. I've got chickens on the mind today because a friend just had to evacuate their home, which is threatened by the fires in California, and I'm hoping they were able to make...