Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #23
Crunch time Forty-eight hours is not a lot of time to write a well-crafted essay - as we all know! - but that's part of the challenge, isn't it? The pressure of a deadline can be a huge motivating factor, and sometimes it comes right down to the wire. Our judges get a...
Super Challenge #23 Round 1 is Underway!
Sowing the Seeds My seed order came today. A whole manila envelope filled with little packets of hope. I don't know yet what the fate of all those seeds will be. Some will sprout; some might not. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that my cats will eat some...
Registration is OPEN for Super Challenge #23!
New Year, New You! Actually, we kind of like the old you. The old you is the one who made all those stories happen, after all. The little trials and tribulations, the magical moments and depths of despair that all add up to a life. It doesn't matter whether you've...
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #22
We're here, we're full of cheer... We're the YeahWrite ... editeers? Yeah, that's not working for me either. You know what is? That day off we're having in the USA. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I think we can agree that a day off work is something to give...
The final round of Super Challenge #22 is underway!
Also, I'm a Robot Bunny Or at least that's what a kid just said to me. Kids are great, which I say from the very safe distance of only having to deal with them when I feel like it. I'm an excellent auntie. But that got us thinking: what two genres would you have to...
Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #22
Patterns Don't skip this part of the post. Seriously. I know you're here for the list of winners, BUT. This round's judges were a fantastic team, including folks who read and edit for Markets You Have Definitely Heard Of, and we're proud to have professionals like...
Super Challenge #22 Round 1 is Underway!
Writer's Block Who hasn't tasted the bitter fruit of ... THE BLOCK? You're staring at your prompts, the timer is counting down, and you've got nothing. Not a single idea or word. It happens to the editors at YeahWrite, too, in case you didn't know. For example, I have...
Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 22nd Super Challenge
Come sail away Ever wish you were, just, you know, not here? As in, literally anywhere else? We can't do much about your vacation plans, but YeahWrite can offer you a great way to get away--48 hours and 1000 words at a time. That's right. Registration opens today for...
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #21
Out of Control You're here to find out who won the Super Challenge. And as you scroll down, looking for your (or your friend's) name, you're probably wondering the same thing that anyone who enters a contest is wondering: what makes a winner a winner? What were the...
The final round of Super Challenge #21 is underway!
Things that are short Our list of writers. 48 hours. 1000 words. This intro. You're not here to listen to me talk. You want your prompt. I understand. Let's do this! In the final round of the Super Challenge, your prompt is a sentence. You’ll be incorporating it into...
Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #21
It's shorts weather! Well, it's shortlist weather, anyway; there's a nice chill in the air this morning and while I know summer's not over, let me have this, okay? I'll go back to sweltering in as little clothing as I can get away with soon enough. Still, there's...
Super Challenge #21 Round 1 is Underway!
Twenty-twentywhat? Welcome to your second pandemic summer the twenty-first YeahWrite Super Challenge! It's fitting that it's in 2021, but we didn't cleverly plan for that or anything, and anyway it's also 5781 and 1442. Here at YeahWrite we've been loving the Super...
Registration is OPEN for Super Challenge #21!
Y'all, I know I'm supposed to write something chirpy and exciting, but the LOW temperature here last night was around 90 degrees (around 30 Celsius for folks living in countries with reasonable measurement standards) and frankly I think I've sweated all the words out...
Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #20
On fire Not literally, as in living in Oregon during this 114F/45C heatwave, but figuratively, as in the fires of love, or "your story is on fire." We are feeling inappropriately smug about this prompt combo, which yielded one of our best crops of final-round stories...
The final round of Super Challenge #20 is underway!
Inventive Headline Goes Here It's the final round of the 20th Super Challenge and is your brain as tired of coming up with ideas as mine? Probably. The good news is, your story doesn't have to be the most innovative thing ever written. In fact, trying too hard to do...