Mix it up!
My kids’ schools celebrate the concept of making new friends and meeting new people once a year on Mix It Up Day by offering t-shirts, gift cards and other prizes during lunch for kids willing to share the lunch period with other kids they’ve never met. It’s a fun way to bust up cliques and lead students out of their social comfort zones under adult supervision.
We’re gonna do that this weekend on the NaBloPoMo grid, the absence of adult supervision be damned.
Grid is now randomly sorted
Until Monday, the grid is sorted in random order and will re-sort itself randomly with each visit and refresh. Visit your new rowmies and columnites. Take the time to comment on a blog you haven’t gotten to yet since November 1.
Have fun! The grid will be back to normal on Monday.
Ooh, I love that idea! You are making what could be pretty painful (posting every stinkin day!) a whole lot of fun 🙂
Ingenious! I love this place! #weekendfun
Erica, you are a goddess for mixing this even further! Such a great idea to shuffle the grid. I have a serious girl crush on you 😉
LOVE this!! Thank you so much for hosting this and for keeping your new ideas coming all month. This is such a great writing challenge.