by Michelle Longo | Aug 2, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. You guys. How is it August already? Seriously? It feels like just last week it was July. I feel like summer is just whizzing by over here. Next thing you know it’ll be September, then October. And...
by Michelle Longo | Jul 26, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. If you’re reading this, it means it is at least Friday, July 26, 2013, 6:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. I’ve written this post long ago and, through the miracle of modern technology, I have made it...
by Michelle Longo | Jul 19, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. When I was thinking about what to write to open this week’s moonshine grid, I thought about our goal in this space. Here we say it’s the time to kick back and relax. Wanna hear something funny?...
by Michelle Longo | Jul 12, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. I’m generally not one for cutesy acronyms, but this week, you guys? Tee. Gee. Eye. Eff. For reals. Luckily, yeah write’s got the cure for what ails me, and it can do the same for you. Even if...
by Michelle Longo | Jul 5, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. This week marked both Independence Day here in the U.S. and Canada Day up in Canada. In spite of my French Canadian heritage, I know virtually nothing about Canada Day. This morning I did what any serious...
by Michelle Longo | Jun 28, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. How was your week? That’s great! or Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Choose the one that fits. What exactly is this moonshine grid? This is the time to sit back and relax, because (almost) anything goes...