by Natalie DeYoung | Oct 25, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. Do you have your costume ready? Bag of candy by the door (even if it’s already half-eaten)? Pumpkins carved? The original Halloween queued up? Don’t feel bad, I don’t either. This Halloween...
by Natalie DeYoung | Oct 18, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. During the month of October, I make it a point to read at least one scary book in preparation for Halloween. On a camping trip a few years back I read aloud some Edgar Allan Poe around the fire. Another year I...
by Natalie DeYoung | Oct 11, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so during the weekends leading up to it I make the most out of the fun. Pumpkins on the front porch? Check. Favorite scary movies queued up? Check. Pumpkin cookies baked?...
by Natalie DeYoung | Oct 4, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. The first weekend in October feels markedly like fall; more so than September, which may-or-may not include Indian summer. October weekends are amazing in my opinion. Pumpkin patches cropping up, spooky lawn...
by Natalie DeYoung | Sep 27, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. Ah, the weekend. What a magical time. No deadlines, no traffic, no time-clock; just a good book out on the deck and eating way too much cheese. At least, that’s how the weekend looks in my fantasy. In...
by Michelle Longo | Sep 20, 2013 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open. Have you ever heard someone say that it’s been a long week? Someone said that to me today and I agreed. Except now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think my week has been long so much as busy....