
Linking up with Stasha this week for Monday Listicles. The prompt comes from Greta at Not Enough Patience (who has a new blog design!)

Ten things I said I’d never do, but ended up doing anyway(what do I know?)


  • Date a younger man. I dated men my own age for a while, then moved on to older men because who doesn’t like being bored to death hearing about annuities and live Beatles concerts? I balked for about two days at Q, my then-new boyfriend, being 12 years younger than I was: he had such wonderfully positive energy and no arthritic complaints. I married him.
  • Have a job. More than likely, when talk of annuities is not enough to keep the flames bright, you will be working. I’ve had about 6000 jobs and am still looking for another one.
  • Own an iPod. $300? Seriously? What’s the point when there is a perfectly good mp3 player for $79.99 right next to it at Best Buy that runs on replaceable AA batteries? That was my thinking in 2007 until Q gave Jordan and me our first iPods. We’ve since then owned about 20, including iPhones and upgrades (we also lose and break stuff).
  • Have a TV in the bedroom. The bedroom is for sleeping and sleep-related activities, right? Then Q got me a TV for my bedroom. It is my best friend and I’ve created a bedroom home office around it. What I really need is an ergonomic desk and chair made out of pillows for my life to be complete.
  • Use my real name anywhere online because that’s how serial killers find you, right? Here I am, using my real name online. Look in the footer. No one has tried to kill me yet unless you count my crazy kids.
  • Drink alcohol. When I was little, I asked a neighbor at a neighborhood party for a sip of his bourbon. Holy hell, that was the nastiest, burniest stuff ever. Until I rediscovered it as an adult, and now it’s breakfast. Of champions.
  • Live outside of the city. I like to walk places. I don’t like needing a car for every single errand. You know what else I don’t like? Crappy public schools and private schools with mean, snobby children. Hello, suburban awesome school district. It’s okay that midnight madness at Target now passes as my nightlife.
  • Spend any significant amount of time not boarding a plane to somewhere. And, yet, well, here I am, grounded. Sigh. I need a trip.
  • Install WordPress 3.3.1 since the previous version kept breaking my blog. But I took the plunge last night, and everything looks good. I just jinxed myself.
  • Jump out of an airplane. Oh, wait. I’ve kept that promise. That’s crazy talk.



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