Weekly Writing Challenges: Microprose Archive
Welcome to YeahWrite’s Weekly Writing Challenge #368
Did You Get Your Swag Yet? I would have a picture of me in my swag for you, but I spilled yogurt on the shirt yesterday and now it's in the laundry (don't judge me for how backed up the laundry is). The pants are in there as well because I wore them for...
YeahWrite #364 Weekly Writing Challenge: Popular Vote Winners and Editors’ Picks
Welcome to our ool. When I was a kid, those signs used to crack me up. You know the one? "Welcome to our ool. Notice there is no "P" in it. Please keep it that way." It was a friendly and humorous way of stating the rules for folks who for some reason didn't know that...
YeahWrite #364 Weekly Writing Challenge is Open for Popular Voting
The Doctor is Out I just spent two hours at urgent care because my teenage son picked a hangnail, which then became really infected. I have a Ph.D. in biology so sometimes I play doctor (for mild things, obviously) but this particular infection was not having my home...
YeahWrite #364 Weekly Writing Challenge is Open for Microprose
How time flies Can you believe we're seven this week? I sure can't. I started at YeahWrite four years ago, when the micro challenge - formerly known as the Gargleblaster - was brand-spanking new. Microprose may be YeahWrite's youngest challenge, but it's built on the...
Welcome to YeahWrite’s Weekly Writing Challenge #364
We're 7!!! Can you believe it? I hardly can, and yet I feel like I barely remember life before YeahWrite! Rather than get all nostalgic on you, I'll jump right into all the special stuff we have planned to celebrate our birthday. We came up with too many...
YeahWrite #360 Weekly Writing Challenge: Popular Vote Winners and Editors’ Picks
Maybe it's the weekend. Maybe not. I got a surprise weekend in the middle of my week when a client blew a deadline by two days. The corollary is that I now no longer get a weekend on the weekend itself, but it was glorious to have those midweek days to write and edit...
YeahWrite #360 Weekly Writing Challenge is Open for Popular Voting
Cozied Up Yesterday I was in Napa, CA, and now I'm in the middle of a nor'easter predicted to dump 15 inches of snow in my Boston burb. Normally, I'd be a lot more bothered by this scenario, because dogs. But I decided to give myself the gift of boarding them an extra...
YeahWrite #360 Weekly Writing Challenge is Open for Microprose
Let's get spooky Maybe winter is finally on its way out here in the Northern hemisphere, but mornings are still misty-grey and mysterious. Sometimes, when I leave the house early and the traffic in my neighborhood is particularly quiet, it can feel like I'm the only...
Welcome to YeahWrite’s Weekly Writing Challenge #360
Do Over So, January was 172 days long and February lasted only about 172 minutes. In all of that, I definitely lost sight of my writing resolutions and goals. How about you? Are you plugging along or in need of a reboot? I think it's probably more fair to...
YeahWrite #356 Weekly Writing Challenge: Popular Vote Winners and Editors’ Picks
Whatever the Reason Stacie's got her fitbit. I've got Pokemon GO. Don't judge; I bet I'll walk more steps than her today, since the next wave of Pokemon are being released. My dog has never gotten so much exercise in her life. It doesn't matter, in the end, what gets...