yeah write weekly writing challenge #239: popular vote winners and editors’ picks

yeah write weekly writing challenge #239: popular vote winners and editors’ picks

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I spent most of today in a coffee shop. It’s a wonderful little place, just around the corner from my house. They have wifi, and they make all their own flavors for the coffee (maple latte? pumpkin spice? honey lavender? salted...
yeah write #239 weekly writing challenge is open for popular voting: nonfiction, fiction|poetry and microstories

yeah write #239 weekly writing challenge is open for popular voting: nonfiction, fiction|poetry and microstories

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Vote for your favorite nonfiction, fiction and microstories here I can tell it’s November cause the grids are so full! Heads are down and fingers are busy as we all push forward, aided by the extra dark hours. I mean. Who...
and they’re off! yeah write’s nomo writing challenge 2015

and they’re off! yeah write’s nomo writing challenge 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] November writers have left the gate Over 50 of us have joined the yeah write NoMo challenge to write every single day in November! Today is day 11. For those of you with us, how are you doing? Fun, right? Daily writing is hard, so...
yeah write #238 weekly writing challenge is open for popular voting: nonfiction, fiction|poetry and microstories

yeah write #238 weekly writing challenge is open for popular voting: nonfiction, fiction|poetry and microstories

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Vote for your favorite nonfiction, fiction and microstories here I love this job. I mean. I’d love it more if it paid me a bajillion dollars a week, but what wouldn’t be better with a bajillion dollars, right? Only,...

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