
Misfit Mommy from The Island of Misfit Moms.

Let me ask you: are panic attacks more prevalent these days because of our hectic lifestyles or is it that when we find a kindred spirit who operates in panic mode much like we do, we tend to stick nearby?

Half my readers are taking some sort of happy pill or a maybe-let’s-not-jump-off-that-ledge-today-but-I-make-no-promises-for-tomorrow drug cocktail. It’s not like there are a whole bunch of on-edge people hanging around the universe. They are just all hanging around me. And I like it.

In her winning submission, Misfit Mommy’s talks about her recovery from such an episode. It was personal, to the point, no purple prose—my kind of post. Go read it. I know it’s Saturday; the family waffles can wait.

Lovelinks #8 opens Tuesday.

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