

It’s Wednesday evening, my 10-year-old is heating a tray of honey BBQ chicken nuggets while laughing loudly at junk TV, so lovelinks must be open for voting.

How voting works

Everybody gets three votes. Depending on your browser, there will be a yellow star above or below each thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail to read the post, click the star to vote. After each click of the yellow star, the page will refresh. You’ll have to make your way back down to the grid, then click another yellow star. After three yellow star clicks, you’re done voting, the yellow stars will disappear, and you’re free to campaign for your favorites.

GOTV [getting out the vote]


Ask your readers, friends, followers, fans to join you in choosing their three favorite blog posts this week.


Do not vote-bomb us. Those of us with lesser minions or busier grandmothers than yours will appreciate it.


Don’t forget to spread the comment love while you’re reading and voting.

Friday’s winners

  • editor’s choice: Erica M being completely subjective and choosing the one post she likes most
  • lurker’s favorite: Flood G choosing her favorite
  • popular vote winner: grandma coming through for you just in time, right before her Bunco night starts
  • comment karma: not the most comments by a lovelinker, but the overall most thoughtful, witty, wonderful, whatever—I’ll know it when I read it

Lovelinks #37 voting is open. Good reading, everybody…

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