
Jamie of Chosen Chaos!

Holy moly, we discovered who among us has a mobilized social media network, didn’t we? Jamie of Chosen Chaos, Julie of MamaMash and Erin of A Book for my Daughter are headed to Week 4 on the strength of their posts and their social media reach.

I’m making a slight adjustment to my contest rules as I’m writing this winners’ post. Why don’t we have an outright winner (hey there, Jamie) then advance the top ten percent after that?

Letting in one extra vote total, congrats to:

Who has stats analytics installed on their blogs? Have you noticed an increase in traffic this week from lovelinks visitors? According to Get Clicky, my analyzer, yesterday’s voting brought to free fringes about 15 visitors for each lovelinks entry. That’s nearly 400 unique visitors, and that’s very cool. You guys are so excited about the contest, and your enthusiasm warms my cockles. Anybody know what’s a cockle?

All three kids are spending the night with my dad tonight, so that means shower, sushi and sex, in that order. I don’t know why my dad doesn’t just adopt them so I can spend the rest of my life in a clean house with no real place to be by 6:30 p.m. I feel like I’m forgetting something.

Ah yes. The Editor’s Choice winner:

Rach of Life with Baby Donut

Lovelinks #24 opens Tuesday. If you weren’t in the top 10 percent, please don’t be discouraged by the voting process. Take it from the geek in the corner at her prom while her prom date was fingering her best friend—in 21 years you’ll be writing away in your government cubicle flirting with your future husband and wondering—argh, sorry, wrong piece of advice. Ahem: There is always next week. Please enter.

The girl being fingered by my prom date? Dead. For real. Not kidding. Just saying.

Congrats to all the winners, thanks to the readers and voters, thanks to my mathematician hubby for calculating my advancing blogger theorems.

Happy Friday in comments…

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