
Carola from Mom in Rome!

This is Carola’s second win, maybe third. It’s late, and my research skills are non-existent.

Baby Giulia has colic, so Carola’s comment section had lots of advice from veteran moms. You know how most people turn to Google for answers these days? Lovelinks is fast becoming a similar font of knowledge.

Thanks again to everyone for reading and commenting and keeping the lovelinks candle burning while I’ve been away from my laptop. I was delighted to see so many lovelinks comments on Carola’s post, and I was grateful for newcomer Jamie tweeting that voting was open right alongside lovelinks old-timer Alison and mom2kiddos just as I was rushing into a meeting yesterday.

We may be a small community, but we’re solid. Thanks to you.

Congratulations, Carola!

Lovelinks #18 opens Tuesday.


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