Greetings, Earthlings!
Some say laughter is the best medicine. I think high-quality writing, whatever the genre or style, is a terrific distraction from the ordinary aches and pains of everyday life. There was a lot to occupy any reader’s mind here. Thanks for indulging me in a bit of self-pity with this week’s prompt! In case you missed it, here’s this week’s ultimate question:
Where does it hurt?
And hey, don’t forget the hitchhikers – you can’t vote for them, but swing by and show them some love. As a clarification, if for any reason the editors need to remove a submission (for example, in the case of a duplicate entry), we’ll move hitchhikers onto the grid according to the order they were posted until we are back up to #42. More incentive to hitchhike!
Voting the yeah write way
It never hurts to go over the voting rules. Please take note:
- The gargleblaster is not a click-fest or a popularity contest. We want you to vote based on the merits of the submissions. Each visitor gets 3 votes, and none may vote for his or her own submission. Read them all, then vote. Gargleblasters are short and go down easy – it shouldn’t take that long.
- We encourage you to invite your friends, families and fans to visit and vote. If you ask your people to vote for your entry, please let them know they have three votes, and they should vote for yours only if it’s one of the best on the grid. Campaigning for your own targeted votes is highly discouraged.
- Yeah write and the InLinkz app allow only one set of votes per IP address. Again: one person, one set of votes. Sure, there are ways to get around this restriction, but that’s cheating, and the editors will more than likely notice. Besides, do you really want to win that way? We didn’t think so!
- The editors do monitor the voting to keep things fair. If we notice targeted voting, self-voting, or other rules-flouting, we will remove votes.
Voting is open until Tuesday, 10:00 PM Eastern
Scroll down to view the grid. While voting is open, you’ll see voting icons on each thumbnail. If you don’t see the icons, voting is closed. You may vote for three favorites by clicking the voting icon. Once you’ve voted, the icon will disappear. You’re done, and you can spend the rest of your time campaigning for your favorites!
Winners will be posted on Wednesday by 12:00 PM Eastern
You’re all winners in our book just for participating, but the crowd favorite walks away with the coveted gargleblaster winner’s badge.
Looking for more writing fun?
The challenge grid and the speakeasy both open on Tuesday. Read the rules and see if one of these might tickle your fancy. If you’re looking for something more low-key, stick around for the weekend moonshine grid and post whatever you like over there (as long as it’s commercial-free).
If you’re not subscribed to our e-mail list, you might miss out! The link to subscribe is over there in the left-hand sidebar.

Read and voted! Done and dusted. Good luck, everyone!