by Stacie Dalrymple | Aug 31, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Microprose, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Keep on Writin’ This might sound odd, but one way to improve your writing is to try not to care what other people think. Of course, this is easier said than done, but effectively it keeps you writing more and the more you write, the greater your chances of...
by Rowan | Aug 30, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Super Challenge, Winners, YeahWrite
Another Super Challenge is in the bag… And I’m sorry to see it end. But kind of excited to be back in the Coffeehouse, and looking forward to our fall lineup with the next (fiction!) Super Challenge and another exciting surprise or two. Speaking of...
by Rowan | Aug 30, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Winners, YeahWrite
Let your creativity soar Stacie’s off on an adventure, and I’m still trying to install a sink. But the great thing about writing is that we’re both able to visit the same wonderful worlds between the covers of a book. And if the book we want to read...
by Stacie Dalrymple | Aug 28, 2019 | Challenge, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Voting, YeahWrite
Busy, Busy What a week! My son started tenth grade, and I’m leaving for Iceland tomorrow so it’s been a bit busy, to say the least. In addition to packing and buying things for school and my trip, I felt compelled to make sure everthing was in order, since...
by Christine Hanolsy | Aug 24, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
While the cat’s away… My kids were away at camp last week, giving me almost seven glorious hours to myself each day. I had plans, people. Plans. Big writing plans. Unfortunately, those plans didn’t take into account the couch cover that needed...
by Rowan | Aug 23, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Winners, YeahWrite
Surprise! One of my favorite parts of collaborating with other writers is handing them little surprises. Nothing big, just a moment or two in the story that’s designed to delight them. Most of those end up on the cutting room floor, of course, being darlings...