by Christine Hanolsy | Dec 4, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Microprose, Nonfiction, Voting, YeahWrite
Fa-la-la I can’t help it: I’m a sucker for holiday carols. I’m not particularly religious and truth be told, I hate the snow, but no matter how Grinch-like I feel, all it takes is a cheerful rendition of Sleigh Ride or a four-part arrangement of In...
by Rowan | Dec 1, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Poetry Slam, Writing Help, YeahWrite
Well, it’s December again. Like every year, I had the best intentions. I was going to write more. Specifically, I was going to write more poetry. I like what the process of writing poetry does for my brain. It makes me more concise, more richly metaphorical, and...
by Asha Rajan | Nov 30, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Microprose, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
The dudes stories are emerging Who got my Tropic Thunder reference in the title? Only me? Oh, okay then. Fine, I’ll get on with it. I did a week long online workshop on flash/micro writing last week, which got me thinking about the story behind the story. The...
by Rowan | Nov 29, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Winners, YeahWrite
…and when you come to the end, stop. That’s advice given to Alice, of Wonderland fame. And it’s hard advice to take as a creative person. I remember my math and science major friends talking about how much homework they had, and how long labs took,...
by Stacie Dalrymple | Nov 27, 2019 | Challenge, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Voting, YeahWrite
Talkin’ Turkey Not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving this week. But even if you don’t, the long weekend (here in the US) can be a great opportunity to come together with family, even if it’s just the YeahWrite family you know from the grids! I,...
by Stacie Dalrymple | Nov 23, 2019 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Spread Your Wings This weekend, I’m doing something COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone. I suppose now I have to tell you: At age 55, I’m doing a boudoir pboto shoot. Yes, in lingerie! I had to go out and buy stuff to wear, which just goes to show you how...