by Michelle Longo | Feb 1, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Microprose, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
All around me are familiar faces Weird thing about me number one thousand four hundred fifty-three: I love finding faces on things. Whether it’s a sad fruit, an angry rock, or a really happy telephone pole, I find objects with personality wherever I go. And you...
by Rowan | Feb 1, 2020 | 2020 Hindsight, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Writing Help, YeahWrite
Tough love February is the month of love. Or lurrrrrrve, as we like to say it. So what better way to celebrate than to make you hate us just a little? Don’t say you’re not going to hate us. We hate us already. This is a hard one The good news is that this...
by Rowan | Feb 1, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Poetry Slam, Writing Help, YeahWrite
Cliche One of the most frequent pieces of advice given to new writers is to avoid cliche. Of course, we also tell them to learn the rules of grammar and syntax, structure their persuasive essays “Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion,” and avoid long...
by Rowan | Jan 31, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Winners, YeahWrite
Come through And y’all did. I don’t know if it was the shoutout last week or just an upsurge of late January energy, but I love being able to give everyone every vote on the grids. And it’s just mathematically better, making your wins more...
by Christine Hanolsy | Jan 29, 2020 | Challenge, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Voting, YeahWrite
New story energy It’s funny, the things that inspire you to write. In my case, it was the January 20/20 Hindsight assignment. A short story turned into a novella and then into something that promises to be even bigger and better, and now that new story energy is...
by Asha Rajan | Jan 25, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Mastering your craft Last week there was a live-on-stage interview with David Suchet in my city that my lovely husband had acquired tickets for. Suchet is probably best known for his television and film portrayal of Hercule Poirot, but like so many of his compatriots...