by Michelle Longo | Apr 25, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Taking What I Can Get If there’s one area of my life this COVID situation hasn’t upended, it’s my inability to write. I was having trouble before this started and I continue to struggle. On the rare occassion that I’m not super busy with work...
by Rowan | Apr 24, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Winners, YeahWrite
Just lucky, I guess Look, I know I’m one of the lucky ones. I’ve got a job that people need me to do, and I can do it from the comfort and safety of home. On the other hand, there are times I resent still having a job. The flooring for my bedroom sits...
by Christine Hanolsy | Apr 22, 2020 | Challenge, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Voting, YeahWrite
Technical difficulties I am a technophile. I love new gadgets, I love new online tools, I love playing around with settings and learning by trial and error. And yet, lately, it feels like new technologies are coming at me at a hundred miles a minute. Prodigy,...
by Asha Rajan | Apr 18, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Short and sweet Is anyone else feeling like they just can’t find the time or headspace to write? Between having everyone in my family at home all the time, and either trying to read everything COVID_19 related or worrying about everything COVID_19 related,...
by Rowan | Apr 17, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Winners, YeahWrite
Game on! It took complete isolation to finally get me off my rump to run that tabletop RPG I’ve been talking about for years. It’s been reminding me about character building, that’s for sure. Some of my players are first-time gamers. Others have...
by Stacie Dalrymple | Apr 15, 2020 | Challenge, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Voting, YeahWrite
Rubber Erasers and Ham Today is National Tax Day here in the US, only this year we don’t have to pay taxes until July 15. So it isn’t really National Tax Day after all. BUT it is also National Rubber Eraser Day and National Glazed Spiral Ham Day, so please...