by Christine Hanolsy | Jan 1, 2021 | Fiction|Poetry, Navigating Prompts, Nonfiction, Writing Help, YeahWrite
You are here There it is: the perfect prompt. A prompt that appeals to you in every way. A prompt that excites you so much that you can only hope to do it justice. Or maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe you’ve got 24 hours to respond to this prompt and no idea...
by Natalie DeYoung | Dec 25, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Thwack We have the stump of a dead tree in our backyard that has to come out. Its roots extend pretty deeply into our clay soil, and we’ve dug up as much of the earth around it as possible. So last week, I went at the stubborn roots with an axe. Feet hip-width...
by Asha Rajan | Dec 18, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Tune in I took myself out for a coffee yesterday. I didn’t take a book, I didn’t check my social media accounts on my phone, I didn’t take a notebook and pen. I had no distractions, no camouflage. In the midst of a busy coffeeshop, filled with cool...
by Stacie Dalrymple | Dec 11, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
Touch Up I got my tattoo touched up today. It was included in the original price, but I tipped accordingly because whoa that was a lot of work. You see, the color wasn’t deep enough, so it faded too much, too fast. And the color was supposed to make a particular...
by Nathan James | Dec 4, 2020 | Fiction|Poetry, Kickoff, Nonfiction, YeahWrite
It’s a Mood. I’ve been taking long walks lately to clear my head, get some exercise, and quell the cabin fever. Last night, in a rush to get out before sunset, I just poked at a Spotify playlist and took off. Turns out the playlist I chose was exclusively...
by Christine Hanolsy | Dec 1, 2020 | 2020 Hindsight, Fiction|Poetry, Nonfiction, Writing Help, YeahWrite
The final piece This is it: the culmination of a year of work! We’ve looked at your stories and essays inside out and upside down; we’ve changed their shape, size, and even point of view. Whether you participated every month or you decided to pick and...