Weekly Writing Challenges: Fiction|Poetry Archive

YeahWrite #567 Weekly Writing Challenge
Promptly One of the reasons I know I would make a terrible parent is that I cannot stop myself from annoying kids. They're like little straight line factories. For example, one of the kids in my life is playing some Facebook game where they draw a thing and you're...

YeahWrite #566 Weekly Writing Challenge
Celebrations My eldest turns 13 this week, and the family has been trying to figure out how to mark the occasion. Sleepovers are out, indoor birthday parties are out, and outdoor parties are tricky in the Pacific Northwest in February. (Who really wants to eat ice...

YeahWrite #565 Weekly Writing Challenge
Everything Old Is New Again For me, there was nothing like the YeahWrite grids* to motivate me to write every week. The grids provided everything I needed: a hard deadline, a built-in audience, and friendly competition to challenge me to submit my very best work. Not...

The Scarlet Quill Society: Before You Make the MisTake
Welcome (back) to the Scarlet Quill Society! This year at YeahWrite our free workshop focuses on everything BUT the writing, with an editorial series that'll take the words right out of your mouth and put them on the page. Of course, we're also including some tips on...

YeahWrite #564 Weekly Writing Challenge
Eating an elephant The old adage goes; how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. When the task of writing and submitting work for publication feels too daunting, breaking that down into more manageable chunks helps me immensely. I can tackle each smaller task...

YeahWrite #563 Weekly Writing Challenge
We Are The Champions I am a huge fan of American football, and last week, my University of Georgia Bulldogs won the national championship against one of our biggest rivals. It was 1980, before I was even born, the last time this happened, so you can imagine the high...

YeahWrite #562 Weekly Writing Challenge
Sore Muscles For our winter gifts, my partner and I gave each other (yeah I know, it doesn't make fiscal sense, but it's about emotional things ok?) a month with a powerlifting coach. With the Omicron variant spreading like summer wildfires and Delta having a bit of a...

YeahWrite #561 Weekly Writing Challenge
Now what? Writing the thing is the first step; editing and polishing it is the next. That's why this year we're running a workshop series all about editing! Our new Scarlet Quill Society is the place to go for any writer who wants their work to be the best it can...

The Scarlet Quill Society: Whose Pen is it Anyway?
Welcome to the Scarlet Quill Society! It's a brand new year, which means a brand new free monthly writing workshop here at YeahWrite. Which is kind of a misnomer, because this year we're focusing on everything BUT the writing, with an editorial series that we think...

YeahWrite #560 Weekly Writing Challenge
Germ-free One of the (many) weird things about the times we're living through is balancing our need for social interactions while managing our comfort level of exposure to the Covid variant du jour. Nothing highlighted that need more than deciding to go to Michigan to...