Weekly Writing Challenges: Fiction|Poetry Archive

YeahWrite #574 Weekly Writing Challenge
Puzzle pieces I’ve been struggling with putting complete thoughts together in writing this week. My mind’s been full of snippets of stories; beginnings and middles and endings that don’t play nicely with each other. Combined with a series of rejections and...

YeahWrite #573 Weekly Writing Challenge
April Fools I loathe April Fool's Day. Even as a kid, where a harmless whoopee cushion prank would send most into fits, I was the ol' curmudgeon snarling at anyone who dared try and play a prank on me. Someone must have got me good in a past life. But maybe you can...

The Scarlet Quill Society: Pitfalls and Traps
Welcome (back) to the Scarlet Quill Society! This year at YeahWrite our free workshop focuses on everything BUT the writing, with an editorial series that'll take the words right out of your mouth and put them on the page. Of course, we're also including some tips on...

Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 24th Super Challenge
Not your average writing competition Seven years ago, a few of the YeahWrite editors put their heads together to design a writing competition that would be as much fun to run as it would be to enter. It took a little tweaking here and there, but we think we've really...

YeahWrite #572 Weekly Writing Challenge
What's in a name? There's a kid with the same name as me. Maybe this happens to you all the time. Maybe your name is Christine, or Jessica, or Ram, or Sunita, or Akeyla. But it doesn't happen to me. And I find myself watching this kid for similarities (lots, they have...

YeahWrite #571 Weekly Writing Challenge
Person, place, thing I'm reading Fonda Lee's Jade City right now. It's a modern second-world urban fantasy, where jade bestows near-magical gifts on its wearers and rival clans jockey for position and power. One of the things I love about this book is how Lee blurs...

YeahWrite #570 Weekly Writing Challenge
Word Hurdle I guess it's happened before. Words With Friends was a thing for a while, wasn't it? And Codewords, maybe. But neither led to my Facebook feed being a never-ending register of game results. I joked that sometime in the future alien beings would digitally...

YeahWrite #569 Weekly Writing Challenge
It's the (not so) little things The world can feel overwhelming sometimes. The twenty-four-hour news cycle doesn't do much to assuage that; leaping from one story of disaster and suffering to the next, with only advertisements to buy more, bigger, shinier as segues....

The Scarlet Quill Society: Editing on the Go
Welcome (back) to the Scarlet Quill Society! This year at YeahWrite our free workshop focuses on everything BUT the writing, with an editorial series that'll take the words right out of your mouth and put them on the page. Of course, we're also including some tips on...

YeahWrite #568 Weekly Writing Challenge
Push Through The end of February is usually where I falter, all of those new and shiny goals I made in the new year suddenly feeling impossible to reach. Whether it be imposter syndrome, the cold coupled with laziness, or the burnout of entering Pandemic: Year Three,...