Weekly Writing Challenges: Fiction|Poetry Archive

YeahWrite #586 Weekly Writing Challenge
Just Deserts Yeah, it's from 'deserve' and not 'dessert' so that's how it's spelled, but I'm taking this as 'pun intended' because I'm spending this week fishing in the desert. Yes, fishing. Because deserts don't look like you probably think they do. This is another...

The Scarlet Quill Society: Sensitivity Readers
Welcome (back) to the Scarlet Quill Society! This year at YeahWrite our free workshop focuses on everything BUT the writing, with an editorial series that'll take the words right out of your mouth and put them on the page. Of course, we're also including some tips on...

Registration is OPEN for YeahWrite’s 25th Super Challenge
Micro what now? We love stories of all shapes and sizes. Flash fiction and creative nonfiction - stories and essays under 1000 words - have been our mainstay for over seven years. But sometimes we like to shake things up a little, and this summer seems like a great...

Congratulations to the Winners of YeahWrite’s Super Challenge #24
Onomatopoeia Look, it's a better header than "carnival noises, ding ding ding" but that's what's going through our heads this week as we cheer for our Super Challenge winners! This turned out to be one of our harder prompts, with many writers struggling to interpret...

YeahWrite #585 Weekly Writing Challenge
Easy does it If you hang out with us on Discord, you may have noticed things have slowed down a little this month - and that's okay! Sometimes we all need to take a breath and take stock. Where am I at with my writing? What's inspiring me lately, and what isn't? Where...

YeahWrite #584 Weekly Writing Challenge
Random A friend recently said that if they were ever on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? they would use other writers as their lifeline because they always know random facts. It made me laugh. I'm not sure I'd be as well rounded as other potential lifelines, but the...

YeahWrite #583 Weekly Writing Challenge
If you want to learn, teach When the world was young and dinosaurs roamed the Earth (only ever so slightly hyperbolic), I did a teaching degree. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I was eager and energetic and young. I didn't teach in schools for very long --...

The final round of Super Challenge #24 is underway!
Everything old is new again When you've read quite a few things, you start to notice patterns. Stories that are told over and over again, plus or minus a few tweaks. Hamlet and the Lion King, for example. If you're as enamored of yourself as Joseph Campbell was, you...

YeahWrite #582 Weekly Writing Challenge
Finish something As writers we're always tempted by new ideas. By inspiration. By the next book around the corner. By that pile of unread books on the nightstand. We like to start things. This week I'm dropping a new challenge, inspired by a conversation I had with a...

Congratulations to the Round 1 winners at YeahWrite Super Challenge #24
I HATE EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WRITTEN AND I SHOULD STOP FOREVER It's hard not to to feel like that sometimes, right? Especially when you get your feedback. And especially when it looks like you got a lot more negative than positive. But think about it: to write good...