Weekly Writing Challenges: Fiction|Poetry Archive

YeahWrite #607 Weekly Writing Challenge
Accountability I joined a writing accountability group made up of some IRL friends. They’ve cancelled both meetings that I said I could make. I offered to host a makeup session later in the week. Crickets. This isn’t the first group that started with good intentions...

YeahWrite #606 Weekly Writing Challenge
Rejection collection Every writer has heard the advice of collecting a hundred rejections, right? I don't know what your Rejection Collection [trademark pending] is looking like, but mine's... burgeoning. The rejections pile up and I feel increasingly anxious that I'm...

YeahWrite #605 Weekly Writing Challenge
NaNoThankYou WHINE. That's all you're getting from me this week, sorry. While the NaNoWriMo folks pound out the words, the Movemberers stop shaving their lips, and... there's something about... testicular cancer? really? I'm just suffering through my first bout of...

Super Challenge #26 Round 1 is Underway!
This is not a long recipe post If you've met the Internet, you've met someone on it complaining that they had to read a 5,000 word blog post to get to a recipe. Leaving aside the underlying questions of recipe copyright (they're not) and anecdotes about grandmothers...

YeahWrite #604 Weekly Writing Challenge
Hustle and bustle If you hang out in the YeahWrite Coffeehouse on Discord, you've probably noticed that it's gotten a little busier than usual. In part that's thanks to National Novel Writing Month, but we're also running our own November writing challenge, which we...

The Scarlet Quill Society: Final Touches
Welcome (back) to the Scarlet Quill Society! This year at YeahWrite our free workshop focuses on everything BUT the writing, with an editorial series that'll take the words right out of your mouth and put them on the page. Of course, we're also including some tips on...

YeahWrite #603 Weekly Writing Challenge
It Takes a Writing Village The great thing about writing as a hobby is you can do it anywhere at anytime. Just open up a Word doc or a Notes app or a Trapper Keeper, if you’re old school, and get going. Right? Yeah, no. What are you going to write? Do you have a story...

YeahWrite #602 Weekly Writing Challenge
Doctor, doctor give me the news I haven't told too many people (hahahahaha and here it is for the world to see), but I'm trying to get into a PhD program. Part of that process is writing a thesis proposal. So I've been reading theory and pulling together resources,...

YeahWrite #601 Weekly Writing Challenge
Thank you Last week, when I drafted the template for #600, it didn't quite hit me how monumental that is for YeahWrite. Six. Hundred. Weeks. I tried to nail down exactly when I first discovered YeahWrite, and while I couldn't find the exact week, it definitely started...

YeahWrite #600 Weekly Writing Challenge
Six... hundred? There must be some mistake Traditionally, we've done some kind of event for YeahWrite's milestones. Zoom parties for our birthdays (don't worry, we'll keep doing those) or a special grid (back when we had those) or prompt or badge. But this one kinda...