Three votes this week!
So we landed in that cozy space between 21 and 30 entries, meaning we each get three votes this week for our favorite posts.
Here at yeah write, we vote on artistic and technical merit, and we read all the posts before voting. Do your picks have a story to tell? Do they have clear, central conflicts? Is the writing concise, compelling, and free of grammatical and structural errors? Seriously–is it? Does it make you think or smile because it’s so good? Think of each vote as an endorsement of a well-written piece, not as a favor to any friends who may have reeled you in with their fantastic badges. Targeted votes and campaigning for your own entries drive us a little nuts. Share the fun of our friendly competition by inviting your friends to read and be read.
Remember Comment Bob! He’s the nicest cheerleading badge you’ve ever met, and he can’t wait to visit your sidebar because of all the supportive comments you’ve left on your fellow gridfolk’s posts.
Yes, there will be gifts!
This week and next, in honor of our third birthday, we’ll be giving away some awesome prizes! For a twist on our traditional random drawings, we are asking you to fill out this Google birthday gift registry with your preferences. Only want to enter the drawing for one prize? Tell us which one. Want to be in the drawing for all them them? Select all the prizes on the form. The drawings will be held after the celebration has wrapped up, and we’ll announce the winners at the end of yeah write #157.
The birthday gift list:
[unordered_list style=”arrow”]
- a flip face caricature of your very own just like the yeah write editors use as our avatars
- a coffee mug featuring ML Philpott’s random penguins
- a premium WordPress blog or portfolio theme by WooThemes (delivered as a .zip file; you are on your own for installation and modifications)
- a 12-month subscription to yeah write that will include up to 12 quick and dirty edits by our wonderful literary editor Louise for your planned submissions to the challenge grid or the speakeasy. Improve your writing and increase your chances of earning an editor’s pick or the jury prize
- a mystery package of books and other goodies from your favorite yeah write editors
You must be a yeah write challenge and/or speakeasy subscriber to be eligible for any of the prize drawings. Subscribe here if you haven’t already!
Our first gargleblaster winners are here!
Be sure to check out the winner of our very first gargleblaster challenge, a short and sweet version of our weekly writing challenge. Writers submit a 42-word answer to a new ultimate question each week. It’s fast and fun–our inaugural week filled up the grid!
Challenge grid voting starts here
The challenge grid crowd favorite and top row will be determined by popular vote.
Everybody gets three votes
Click on each thumbnail to read the posts before voting. Click on the voting icon to vote for a post after reading. Do not vote for your own post, please.
Read the posts before voting
We are responsible voters here at yeah write. Read, evaluate, vote on merit. We’re still writing the yeah write way, and we want the votes to reflect it.
Voting is open until Thursday, 10:00 p.m. EDT
- If it’s after 10:00 p.m. EST [-5 GMT] on Thursday when you’re trying to vote, voting is closed. There will be no more voting icons on the thumbnail and voting will not work.
- Once you’ve voted for your favorite posts, you’re done voting. The voting icons will disappear.
- Voting for your own post should be disabled. If it’s not, please don’t vote for your own post.
- Once you’ve voted for the best posts on the grid, you are then free to campaign for votes for your favorite entries.
- If you’d like to see the current vote tallies after you’ve voted, refresh the page.
- If you ask your people to vote for your entry, please let them know they have a set number of votes, and they should vote for yours only if it’s one of the best on the grid. Campaigning for your own targeted votes is highly discouraged.
- Yeah write and the Inlinkz app allow only one set of votes per IP address. When campaigning for votes for your favorites, please ask outside voters to read this section before voting. It will lessen their confusion and curb their clicking enthusiasm.
- Refreshing the page, watching the votes go up and down? First, don’t do that. Second, if you see the votes on each entry fluctuating throughout the day, that’s the vote proctor adjusting each tally for enthusiastic clickers and non-reading voters. Don’t you want your entry to win because it’s the best on the grid and not because you have the greatest social media influence? Write well, campaign for others, leave encouraging comments.
Winner’s post published Friday by noon EDT
Once the voting ends, the challenge grid will sort itself from highest number of votes to the fewest. Ties are broken by number of page views. Until the winner’s post is published, none of the sorting will be official, but you can still get a good idea of where everyone ended up until the votes are validated.
New vote proctor in town
Yeah write editor Stacie has taken over the vote monitoring from Erica M. Stacie places justice before mercy, so think twice before voting for yourself or attempting to vote more than once by using another IP address. It’s one voting round per IP address, one voting round per person. Thank you!
Yeah write #155 voting is open…