
Grab a badge and show it off on your very best


Today is the earliest your yeah write #126 weekly writing challenge grid post can be dated. Any first-timers who feel insecure or queasy should email us if they run into trouble. At yeah write, we’re here for you!

The speakeasy makes its triumphant return

The grid opens Tuesday, and it’s just the place for your personal stories and true anecdotes. For those wanting some fantastical fiction or poetry in their lives, the speakeasy returns from a summer hiatus of surfing and spelunking its way around the Internets. Have you been collecting fiction and poetry ideas for months now? Visit us over at the speakeasy to park your post with other poetry and fiction offerings.

There’s a limit of 500 words plus 100 words grace if you need them

The challenge grid limits a post to 500 words. Keep it trim and snip away at the accoutrement that distracts from your so what. Keeping it tight encourages readers to read your entire post — and then vote! So we are continuing with a 600-word limit—remember that’s 500 words plus grace. Use that grace wisely for a brief intro or a small footnote, if you like, but really try to stay closer to 500 words. We’re not trying to limit your creativity; we just know you can keep it together and hold your readers’ attention without fluff. You’ve got six days of the week to write as long as you like. Give us this one day.

The yeah write way

Yes, it is open submissions at the challenge grid, but editors will be monitoring posts for adherence to the yeah write guidelines. Need a refresher? Take a look here. Remember that sponsored or fictional pieces are no-nos. If yours is returned to you this week, it’s not a comment on your writing, but a reflection of the yeah write guidelines. For more information, or a refresher, visit how yeah write works. Grab our attention with sympathetic characters and strong endings. You know, your best stuff!

Yeah write #126 weekly writing challenge grid opens Tuesday. Don’t forget your badge!

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