by Natalie DeYoung | Apr 7, 2015 | Fiction|Poetry, the speakeasy, YeahWrite
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] You say it’s your birthday Sniff, we’re growing up so fast. Yeah write is celebrating its fourth birthday this week, and as usual, we have some surprise plans cooking. Some of them will be announced in the coming weeks,...
by Natalie DeYoung | Apr 3, 2015 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open Nothing gets me thinking about brunch food like Easter weekend. I like to bake, so I pour through my cookbooks and try to find the perfect dessert-disguised-as-breakfast dish to make. This year, I’m thinking...
by Natalie DeYoung | Mar 27, 2015 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open Nerd moment here: when I heard that The X-Files was going to be back for another season, I may have jumped up and down a little. I was late to The X-Files party–as I am for most parties–and didn’t...
by Natalie DeYoung | Mar 24, 2015 | Fiction|Poetry, Open, the speakeasy, YeahWrite
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Welcome to the fiction and poetry challenge at yeah write Sometimes, inspiration comes not from reading, but from some other avenue. When I went to see an exhibit of female surrealist painters a few years back, it felt like they...
by Natalie DeYoung | Mar 20, 2015 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open Is anyone else feeling burned out this week? Well, good news, yeah writers – it’s Friday, and you you know what that means. It’s time to shake off the dust of this busy week and kick up our feet on the...
by Natalie DeYoung | Mar 13, 2015 | moonshine, YeahWrite
It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open I can always tell when it’s the beginning of spring because the air starts to smell perfumed in my neighborhood again, especially in the mornings as I’m walking the dog. The jasmine climbing along the...