
[huge]When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.—Enrique Jardiel Poncela[/huge]


We’re entering Week Three of the yeah write summer writer’s series.

This week, our guest editor will be Michael Gray of Dear Harrison on the topic of blog design for beginning and advanced bloggers. Flood G, one of the yeah write contributing editors, best known for her photography displayed throughout the yeah write blog, will join the series with two posts on the creative and legal use of photographs on your personal blog.

Thanks to each writer who blogs and blogger who writes who’s participated in the series so far. If this is your first time here, welcome! You’ll love the spirit of the yeah write community and we invite you to hang out with us on Twitter and on Facebook.

The badges, required for your grid submission, are hidden on this page in a widget at the top right. Click on the plus sign above the social media icons and the hidden widget containing the badge codes will drop. Grab the code of your favorite badge and paste it into the HTML view of the post you’re submitting to either the summer series grid or the hangout grid.

[image width=”225″ height=”225″ align=”right” lightbox=”true” caption=”You can grab this one. Click to embiggen. Then right-click and select save this image.” title=””]https://yeahwrite.me/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/yw_wwb_bww.png [/image]

If you want to use a hangout badge as your summer series grid backlink:

change 66-open-hangout to 66-open-summer inside the code

If you want to use a summer series badge as your hangout grid backlink:

change 66-open-summer to 66-open-hangout inside the code

Remember, the grid is being moderated this summer and when the challenge grid returns as yeah write #71 on Tuesday, August 21, the challenge grid will be moderated as well. We have a wonderfully interesting mix of beginning and long-time writers who blog and bloggers who write on the grid. It’s important to us to maintain that mix within a few guidelines and parameters. We’ll release your submitted post from the moderation queue if you:


  • keep your word count to 500 or fewer
  • offer your readers a central conflict
  • tell a story with a beginning, middle and end. It should be more than a journal entry
  • omit any reference at all to the provided prompts, either as an introduction to your post or as a footnote


As a reward for reading this far, I’m releasing this week’s prompts two days early. Shhhh…don’t tell anybody. Let the readers come.

[header_box_1 title=”yeah write #66 writing prompts”]

all your story are belong to you


  • Read the summer FAQ page for other details: the grid is being moderated and if you’re missing an element outlined in the summer FAQ, your post will not be published on the grid
  • Let the prompt lead you, but do not include the prompt in any way in your post, not at the beginning as an intro, not at the end as a footnote. If you reference the prompt in your post, your post will not be published on the grid
  • Remember: no more than 500 words. If your post exceeds 500 words, yup, you guessed it—no publish for you
  • If the prompt takes you from thunderstorms to watching TV at your grandma’s house to how much you love Pat Sajak to the oldest person you’ve ever kissed, we want that story the furthest away in your imagination from the original prompt. Let your imagination loose
  • Keep your writing style! Do you tell stories with humor? Prose? Verse? Photos? Illustrations? Keep doing that. We’ll read Shakespearean drama on our own time
  • Cut away at everything unnecessary to your story
  • Don’t forget to badge your post
  • Have fun!


[divider_header_h3] This week’s prompts [courtesy of Tom Slatin] [/divider_header_h3]


  • What music album would be used for a movie about your life?
  • Was your first kiss everything you wished or hoped it would be?
  • What is the most amount of money you have had at one time?



Yeah write #66 opens Monday…

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