
I don’t even know what to say. With 23 hours to go before voting would begin, yeah write #42 hit 50 blogs, closing automatically to new submissions.

We hit 50 once before, a couple of weeks ago, but we got to 50 just a few minutes before it would have closed anyway. And I was offering a prize as an incentive to get us there.

This week: no prize, the only incentive being the chance to be part of a genuinely supportive blogging community. How awesome is that? Very.


Yeah write is now open for reading the 50 blogs linked in the grid below. We have plenty of time to visit each one and leave our thoughts while choosing our favorites.

Voting will open on schedule Wednesday night at 9 p.m. US eastern standard time [-5 GMT]. You’ll know it’s open when you see the yellow stars beneath each thumbnail.

Now I know how Oscar winners feel when they get all dressed up, knowing their names could be announced, but not really expecting it, then they hear their names. This is amazing! And shiny. And it’s going right next to my laptop so I can share it with all you guys.

If you’re new here, and you’d stopped by to link up, worry not: we’ll be here next week. Here are some links for you. Kinda like premarital counseling to get you ready for us. Please feel free to visit and read this week’s blogs while you’re here.


guide to writing a winning yeah write post

yeah write weekly email blast

Yeah write #42 is open for reading…

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