
Thanks, everybody, for another fun week! Even with seven slots left open, 43 blogs was still a challenge, and we got through it. Some of you made new friends, broadened your reach and enjoyed an increase in traffic to your sites. That’s what yeah write is all about, and I’m always happy when it works the way it was designed to work.


How did it go? I know it can be overwhelming the first time out. Reading all the blogs, keeping up with your posts that weren’t even involved with yeah write, figuring out the best way to comment, respond to comments, squeeze in a department meeting, toss in a load of laundry, then vote before or after dinner. You guys did great, the feedback was encouraging, and I hope to see you all next week. Thanks so much for being a part of us.

Editor’s choice

Central conflict, sympathetic characters, protagonist, antagonist, ebb and flow of conflict, then resolution. That’s what I’m looking for whenever I’m reading y’alls posts each week. Like a mini-dramedy or a short story in about 500 words or less. Jackie at Not Wifezilla captured it in her “letter to my future self” post found so often in blogs, then made it better with a twist ending. It was prose unadorned, which is my personal style. Set it up, knock it down. Congrats, Jackie, on the win. 

Lurker’s favorite by my friend Flood

Flood actually had three favorites, and she clicked the yellow star for each one. The one she shared with others outside of yeah write was Lenore Diane’s post about the white elephant gift exchange prompted by a parent’s confusing habit of packing gifts in boxes originally meant for other items. Why do old people do that? Lenore’s story had a happy ending, and her mom even had a sense of humor about the mix-up. Congrats, Lenore. First time linking, first time win. Not bad.

Lurker’s favorite by my husband Q

This week Q chose Seaman Storch’s post. He liked how Seaman Storch made the glazed muffins look so good in photos, oh wait, that might have been last week. Seaman Storch won with a post about his younger, more irresponsible days, and Q really connected with how much he and SS had in common like their similar college freshman experiences and affinity toward music. Congrats, SS, on your win!

Popular vote winner

Most relaxing popular vote week ever. For me, not for you guys. You all took to heart my explanation of how voting should work at yeah write, and I was all verklempt while moderating the traffic. The page views matched the votes, there was none of that 345 hits to the grid with very few outbound links to the actual posts. No vote-bombing, all reading, all voting. You guys are gonna make me cry.

Iris at The Bearded Iris won this week’s popular vote with her exasperated tale of the bait-and-switch gumball machines at the grocery store. The ones that promise rubber duckies, yet instead spit out crappy stickers to our shocked toddlers’ confusion. The story got funnier and more outrageous with each read. Congrats, Iris, on the win. First time linking up, I hope it’s not your last. We enjoyed your company.

Comment karma

Poor Iris. Her winning post also got trolled by a few citizens of the Internet who could just not let shit go. Let it go, people. How hard is that? So to Iris who stood up very well for herself and to the yeah writers who came to Iris’s defense in her comments  (you guys were awesome), I award comment karma. It’s good to know we have peoples. 

Side note: Iris kinda gets the comment karma twice for graciously acknowledging a commenter’s concern over a disparaging remark Iris made in jest about the bag boy in the grocery store incident. Instead of telling the woman “hey, it was just a joke”, Iris removed the offending description from her post. As a mom who will never let my traumatic brain injured daughter get a job for the very reason that people could be mean to her even accidentally (yes, I am that mother—don’t judge me), I love how Iris treated the mother of a severely disabled kid in her comments. Very nice.

Blogging Bash random winner from yeah write #40

MannaHatta Mamma’s blogging bash is up if you wanna go check it out. Some of you can see me after class, if you know what I mean. Voluntarily. Perhaps during recess.


The thumbnails are sorted in the grid from most yellow star votes to the least. In the case of a tie, like if four blogs all got seven votes each, the thumbnails are additionally sorted by page views. Do not be discouraged if your blog has landed near the bottom of the grid; it is always a tight race. The fun lies in getting better exposure for your blog and in the spirit of competition as incentive to improve your writing and blogging skills. It’s a win-win for everybody involved.

 Thanks again, everybody, for linking up, for reading, for voting. And for making yeah write the most welcoming spot on the Interwebs.

 Lovelinks #42 opens Tuesday.

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