
So you’re a writer. Now what? How do you move beyond writing for yourself and into the world of critique, editing, and feedback? How do you find a community that supports your creativity while helping you develop your skill and technique?

YeahWrite strives to be a place where your words matter, and the heart of YeahWrite is our community of writers dedicated to their craft and their words. We value inclusivity, and we respect the diversity and dignity of our audience. If you want to read and be read, to grow as a writer, and to participate in a dynamic community, you’re in the right place. We’re glad you’re here.

Weekly Schedule

  • We release new prompts on our blog every Friday at 12pm Eastern.
  • Every Monday, we’ll check in to see how you’re doing and what your writing goals are for the week.
  • Wednesdays are “Work-in-Progress Wednesdays.” Share a few sentences or even a paragraph or two in the Coffeehouse (no more than 250 words, please).
  • The First Friday of every month is for self-promotion, where you can share commercial links to your work for purchase.

Be sure to join our Facebook group and Discord server to share your stories!

October 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • WIP Wednesday
  • Self-Promo Friday!
  • Motivation Monday
  • WIP Wednesday
  • Motivation Monday
  • WIP Wednesday
  • Motivation Monday
  • WIP Wednesday
  • Motivation Monday
  • WIP Wednesday

Weekly Prompts, Tips, and Tricks

We kick off the (writing) week every Friday at noon with unique prompts, deep dives into craft, and news about our classes and competitions. This blog post is the place to start, whether you write fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or anything in between!

Super Challenge

The Super Challenge is our pay-to-play quarterly writing competition. Each Super Challenge takes place over the course of about six weeks, with writers competing for cash prizes in prompted fiction or nonfiction. Every participant walks away with substantial personalized feedback on their work from professional editors and writers.

Classes & Workshops

If you’re looking to improve your craft, we’ve got what you’re looking for. Our classes and workshops are designed to fit your schedules, from two-hour workshops to multi-week courses. Topics so far have included poetry, prompts, summaries, and creating believable characters, and there’s even more to come!

Writing Resources

Looking for a few extra tips and tricks or craft hints? We’ve got you covered. YeahWrite has compiled an extensive archive of posts focused on the craft of writing: from how to write a sonnet to how to structure a personal essay, plus an in-depth series on how to taking your writing—and publishing—to the next level.

YeahWrite Coffeehouse:
Facebook Group & Discord Server

The YeahWrite Coffeehouse is the place for all YeahWriters to share inspiration, ask questions, and build a supportive community. Hang out with fellow writers and editors, share your responses to our weekly prompts, get help if you need it, compete in writing sprints, and make lasting connections for the rest of your career as a writer. We have two options for you: Facebook group and Discord server. Pull up a chair and say hello!

YeahWrite is more than a writing community. For me, it has become the cheerleader in my life, the shoulder to cry on when I need to get something off my chest, and the little writing family that was missing from my life. It’s one thing to word vomit how I feel all over the page and quite another to improve my writing skills in order to convey important messages in the big wide world of blogging. This is what YeahWrite does. The Super Challenge is an extension of the fantastic work which is already achieved here. It has allowed me to ramp my creativity up a gear, not only because of the competitiveness, but also because of the refreshing prompts, strict deadlines, and phenomenal feedback given by the exceptionally talented editors at YeahWrite. Donna-Louise Bishop
All writers looking to sharpen writing skills, get constructive feedback and grow in their craft must come to YeahWrite. Why? Here, you get the best, undiluted and no-nonsense approach to writing that you’ve always dreamed of. It’s been a little over a year since I started writing for YeahWrite and with each week, I find myself working harder on my work, tuning it to the demands of a good brief and churning out the best I can. These editors are the best people to have in your corner. Trust me. Shailaja V
I had been a lurker on YeahWrite for a while when the Fiction Super Challenge was announced. I have participated in other flash fiction competitions, but the YeahWrite Super Challenge had a whole different feel. It felt personal. The prompts stretched my writing muscles by pushing me into writing in new genres (horror/western!) and included visual prompts, which I found a real challenge. The feedback was honest and clear, and I felt like my stories had been considered carefully. I was thrilled to participate in all three rounds of the Super Challenge and, as a result, I have been inspired to start a fiction blog. Thank you, YeahWrite. I couldn’t have done it without you. Trish Tuthill
Each week, I know that I will find some of the best writing on YeahWrite. Because of this, I have become a better writer. I have learned from them. I have been inspired by them. I have been challenged and most importantly, I have gained courage from them. Winning a coveted YeahWrite Editor’s Pick encouraged me to submit and publish my work in literary magazines and newspapers. YeahWrite is my muse. Bill Dameron
I entered the first YeahWrite Super Challenge because I wanted to gain experience and get feedback on my writing. What I wasn’t expecting to get was confidence to submit my work to other places and lasting friendships with my peers. The editors at YeahWrite do a fantastic job at creating an environment for writers to flourish creatively, whether it’s the Weekly or Super Challenges, and for that I am extremely grateful. Danielle Dayney
I was 36 when the urge to write struck hard and fast. An MFA was out of the question because I already had three degrees, two children, and a mortgage. Still, I knew I needed a community for support, accountability, fellowship, and friendly competition. Lucky for me, YeahWrite was there, week after week, offering everything I needed to cobble together my nascent writing life. It was, by turns, a nest, a perch, a home, a launching pad, a rec room, and a raucous dance party complete with disco balls and glow sticks. If you’re looking for a writing home, YeahWrite is like the house with great snacks and fizzy sodas. Don’t miss the chance to sit on its couches and pin your writing to its walls. Christie Tate
Why do I love YeahWrite? I could say a lot of fancy things about craft and competition, but the truth is pretty simple. YeahWrite gives me a chance to play. It’s a dedicated space to challenge myself and my wordy ways, a space to stretch my legs and try on things I’ve never done before. Beyond that, I get to read some really great writing from folks I don’t know if I’d meet otherwise. Play, read, write, post, rinse, repeat. This is among my favorite things I do with other writers that doesn’t take a whole lot of time or commitment. Give it a shot. Get some feedback. Write the thing. Shannon Barber

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