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It’s the weekend, so the moonshine grid is open

You know how sometimes you’ll randomly hear, “Guess what? It’s National Coffee Day!” or “Hey, it’s National Donut Day,” and then find out that coffee shops are disbursing free cups of Colombian drip or free glazed crullers with sprinkles? (Never on the same day, unfortunately.) Well, today is National Tequila Day. That’s right, today at the moonshine we are serving metaphorical margaritas (blended, with salt), because a summer weekend is the perfect time for limey, frozen deliciousness. Just be careful–I’m told the bartender makes them strong here.

One more round

While I’m pulling out the blender and the salt, you go ahead and link up whatever post you feel like. Yep, any post. Doesn’t matter the word count, when you wrote it, what it’s about or if it’s fiction or otherwise. Anything goes here, kind of like what happens when you have too many margaritas. The only limit we put on this party is no commercial or sponsored posts, but that doesn’t really mix with top shelf tequila, anyway.

This is the badge you need

Over in the left sidebar is a list of yeah write badges containing the codes you need to satisfy the backlink requirement (also called a permalink) of the Inlinkz app. The badge for the moonshine looks like this:

Under the badge is a few lines of code. See that? Copy it exactly then paste it into the “text” or HTML view of your post editor. If you don’t copy it exactly, you will get an error message from the Inlinkz app. If you get confused or your browser is uncooperative, visit the Inlinkz step-by-step instructions here. If all else fails, contact Inlinkz customer support.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]


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