Some simple tips
There is no shortage of articles out there about how to be a better writer. I pass them on when I think they are particularly helpful. Recently, I found one that could have been written by yeah write staff. I’ll admit, we have our pet peeves over here. There are mistakes we see over and over again. The Write Life recently posted Writing a Personal Essay: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid. I stood up and cheered when I read it. Okay, maybe not literally, but in my mind.
First time here?
Check out yesterday’s kickoff post to learn everything you need to know about all of yeah write. Make sure you’re signed up for our email blasts so you never miss one again!
If you’re new to yeah write or just new to the nonfiction challenge, please pop over to read our submission guidelines. The rules are a little different for each of our challenges and we’d hate to have to send back great writing on a technicality.
If you found us because you suddenly saw yeah write in your stats, do not be alarmed! Sometimes when community members spot excellent writing out in the wild, they send the post over to us. We hope you don’t mind, but more than that, we hope you’ll take a look around and hang out for a while.
Have questions you can’t find the answer to by poking around the site? Email us or find us on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll happily help you out.
Just the basics
Today the grid opens for our nonfiction writing challenge. There is a limit of 1,000 words, no exceptions. The nonfiction challenge closes Wednesday at 9:59 p.m. US Eastern. Voting opens one hour later for both our readers and our editorial staff. On Friday, we will publish editorial picks and announce the popular vote winners.
The ultimate question: what’s for dinner?
Each week our microstories challenge, which opens on Wednesday, gives you an ultimate question to answer in exactly 42 words. Here on nonfiction, we like to offer that question up as an optional prompt. Use it or don’t, it’s all up to you!
The yeah write #209 weekly writing challenge is open for nonfiction: personal essays, creative opinion, mostly true stories based on actual events. You can check out the submission guidelines and join us with your essay using the link below.
So, I have until Wednesday to submit a nonfiction piece? Just double-checking.
That is correct. All of our grids close at the same time: 10 PM Eastern.